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Spotted an XS Special in the wild!

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  • Spotted an XS Special in the wild!

    Ran an errand to the next town West of me, Middleton, ID. Driving back with stuff in the back of the car, and saw a special parked at a pump company! Did a "U" turn and went back to try and talk with the owner, as this is the FIRST one I've seen in the almost 5 years I've been in Star. They could not find the owner, but I did leave a note with my name and number, and the underneath in case he does not know about this site. Hope to hear from him sometime this week.
    Ray Matteis
    XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
    XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!

  • #2
    The last XS11 I saw was in Guilford CT at a boat launch about 4 years ago. I was shocked. To see a running one on the road is very rare around here. I attend many Japanese antique bike meets and never see one or any parts for that matter. We are the last of our kind.


    • #3
      I plan on riding out on my bike later today and see if I can talk with the owner. I remember a few years ago there was somebody who had family in Southern Idaho. I'd like to find out if it's the same person.
      Ray Matteis
      XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
      XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!


      • #4
        Needless to say "I get around" quite a bit and after thinking about it I've never come across another one either. More often than not I'll hear people saying "That's a cool old Goldwing"
        1980 XS1100G

        I identify as a man but according to the label on a package of Stauffers Baked Lasagne I'm actually a family of four!


        • #5
          People sometimes call mine "650 Special" and I agree.


          • #6
            I've been "around" prob'ly mOaR than the average member. ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ

            After I moved from WA to AZ and got my home set up? 乁(ツ)∫

            6 times I bailed on the summer heat to do roadtrips cross the continental USA using the "Special" vehicle I own to Xport my bike to the roads I wanted to ride on. Each trip no less than 3 months with 2 of them lasting 5 months. (I'm also a disc golfer and followed the FPO Pro Tour a coupla times to the NE coast...) ┏(‘▀_▀’)ノ

            Multiple times the "Vehicle" alone generated interest and contacts with folks. But the COMBO of the XS1100 in the back got LOTS of people stating they used to own one or that they had a "friend" who currently owned one. (ლ ^ิ౪^ิ)

            5 seperate occasions actually resulted in meet-ups with owners who's bike ran down the road under their own power and actual rides together. None were fully "roadworthy", licensed, registered, insured, and completed "projects" like the ride(s) I and 3Phase made videos of with him on "Columbo". (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

            4 of the XS'es ran like Ccitis's bike. Spitting, popping, etc at idle and below 3.5 k rpm. Each rider kept the bike at 4k and above (HOOLIGAN style) during our rides together and each were flabbergasted at the way my special could just roll-on/roll-up through the low rpms. (*´-`*)

            1 STD did idle normally but our ride was under 20 minutes as his battery went dead and required the bike to be rescued. ε=ε=(っ* ´□` )っ

            At the times of these "Continentals", as I refer to them, I did not refer these poor souls to as a resource. ┐(´~`)┌

            I and the had parted ways because due to a problem on the's side of things, I, as a member, was unable to even view the site. Much less contribute posts or any of the current member features enjoyed by all. (๑ →_←)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Larrym View Post
              I've been "around" prob'ly mOaR than the average member. ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ

              After I moved from WA to AZ and got my home set up? 乁(ツ)∫

              6 times I bailed on the summer heat to do roadtrips cross the continental USA using the "Special" vehicle I own to Xport my bike to the roads I wanted to ride on. Each trip no less than 3 months with 2 of them lasting 5 months. (I'm also a disc golfer and followed the FPO Pro Tour a coupla times to the NE coast...) ┏(‘▀_▀’)ノ

              Multiple times the "Vehicle" alone generated interest and contacts with folks. But the COMBO of the XS1100 in the back got LOTS of people stating they used to own one or that they had a "friend" who currently owned one. (ლ ^ิ౪^ิ)

              5 seperate occasions actually resulted in meet-ups with owners who's bike ran down the road under their own power and actual rides together. None were fully "roadworthy", licensed, registered, insured, and completed "projects" like the ride(s) I and 3Phase made videos of with him on "Columbo". (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

              4 of the XS'es ran like Ccitis's bike. Spitting, popping, etc at idle and below 3.5 k rpm. Each rider kept the bike at 4k and above (HOOLIGAN style) during our rides together and each were flabbergasted at the way my special could just roll-on/roll-up through the low rpms. (*´-`*)

              1 STD did idle normally but our ride was under 20 minutes as his battery went dead and required the bike to be rescued. ε=ε=(っ* ´□` )っ

              At the times of these "Continentals", as I refer to them, I did not refer these poor souls to as a resource. ┐(´~`)┌

              I and the had parted ways because due to a problem on the's side of things, I, as a member, was unable to even view the site. Much less contribute posts or any of the current member features enjoyed by all. (๑ →_←)
              The good news is, I am getting some action spraying some fluid on the number 3 intake boot. I had not thought it was an issue as it is brand new! But I will pull it and see what is happening. Definite RPM fluctuation when spraying. Hopefully it is a simple vacuum leak. And I hear you on bailing on rides due to heat... I have bailed because of heat, and more recently SMOKE in the summer.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ccitis View Post

                I have bailed because of heat, and more recently SMOKE in the summer.
                It sure has gotten HOT awfully early this year! Generally speaking I keep my eye on the weather to avoid moving camp on wet days, this past two weeks it's been to avoid riding in 90-100 degree heat. I'm not willing to ride very far without all my gear on, most notably my armor jacket.

                1980 XS1100G

                I identify as a man but according to the label on a package of Stauffers Baked Lasagne I'm actually a family of four!


                • #9
                  Taken directly from an Alert posted by the National Weather service-


                  * WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with temperatures up to 106 to 113.

                  Tha's me here in Tucson. ミ●﹏☉ミ

                  Stayin here fOaR the duration this year. S'alright cuz night-time rides be the way to go. Still have to open up all the vents in muh helmet and open those air scoop vents in the front and back exit panel of my Joe Rocket Jacket tho. (◔_◔ )

                  NO day rides. Not cuz XS'es got no cooling system/radiator. (눈_눈 )

                  Neighbor down the street is a AAA tow truck driver wit the full tilt/flat bed set up. His "area" is just the highway/interstate north of Tucson. In/out all day EVERY day just to pick up vehicles who's tires went POOF/Blow-Outs (and Roll-overz...) on the bacon frying Slab of concrete where the average speed is 85 mph. \(°Д°)/

                  CCitis...might wanna try using "smoke" blown into the vacuum port of the suspect boot. Easy-peasy way of finding any/all vacuum leaks. Just try to have #3 intake/exhaust valves closed. (^_^)

                  Ray...Yup. Drove thru Star after a 5 day stay in Lewsiston/Clarkston to do the "Spiral Highway". MULTIPLE times cuz I LIKED it. (ʘ‿ʘ)


                  • #10
                    I rode in the 96 degree heat (cool compared to AZ) on the solstice (20th). Got the oil temps up to 250°F. It's hard work pushing a sidecar in this weather.


                    • #11
                      I'm just north of Athens, Oh and skipped the patchouli crowd this year, being in the bottom of a reclaimed coal mine where the 70% humidity air never moves and a temp of 96° makes me care to be on a pine covered knob just above a small reservoir instead. Been this way for over a week now here.

                      Looks like a respite of sorts Monday with full sun but only 84° before the return of Hades on Tuesday, I'll be packing and moving then so my bike doesn't sound like a rock tumbler on the 250 mile jump up to northeast of Pittsburgh.
                      1980 XS1100G

                      I identify as a man but according to the label on a package of Stauffers Baked Lasagne I'm actually a family of four!


                      • #12
                        While we're waitin' fOaR Ray to report back wit' a positive outcome (fingers crossed..) ( •_•)

                        On that concrete slab North of Tucson where folks are finding out that the tires and the manufacturers warranties just aren't up-to-snuff in the real wurld conditions.... (⇀‸↼‶)

                        How izzit that the emergency services vehicles like ambulances, fire trucks, and recovery vehicles drive out-n-back every time wit' out any issues?! (;☉_☉)

                        Sure would be AwKwArD if an ambulance would have a blow-out/roll-over on the way out or back, right? (_Oo)

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20170613_154617585.jpg
Views:	97
Size:	147.4 KB
ID:	880356

                        Tha's why I use the same tires wit' the same rating(s) used by ambulances/fire trucks. (ʘ‿ʘ)

                        Last time I checked they're around $150 per tire. Take 3-4 days to arrive wherever you are on the continent. (◔_◔)

                        Do the math.....I got's SIX (6) of'em. (⊙_◎)

                        But when "Moby" (pictured above) is all loaded up with muh Special, all the stuff to do what I wanna do when I get to where I wanna be?

                        I don't need any unwanted XSitement on the way there or back. (Θ︹Θ)


                        • #13
                          It's usually NOT the tires fault. When you don't check air pressure, and then drive at 80mph with low tires, ANY tire will blow out!
                          Ray Matteis
                          XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
                          XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DiverRay View Post
                            It's usually NOT the tires fault. When you don't check air pressure, and then drive at 80mph with low tires, ANY tire will blow out!
                            I agree. (^_^)

                            Mostily, that's a rule of thumb peoples should recognize and apply.

                            However, the operative phrase/condition where I'm at is-

                            "bacon frying Slab of concrete"

                            The area really is an exception to the rules tire makers use as a guideline. ƪ(ړײ)‎ƪ​​

                            Properly inflated tires still blow-out cause the constant heat X-fer from d'pavement causes Over-Pressure and failure. (☉_☉)

                            Oar? The heat X-fer builds up in the tread and the whole tread-cap delaminates from the inner belted section. 乁( ⁰͡ Ĺ̯ ⁰͡ ) ㄏ

                            O'course, folks headin' down the highway don't get a sense of how hot the slab r e a l l y is... (´-`). 。oO

                            They got's the AC cranked to the max and their fav Spotify playlist booming in their earz.... ♪~( ̄、 ̄ )


                            • #15
                              Larry, that is your brain on drugs.

