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"The Best of"

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  • "The Best of"

    Hello XS11 friends,

    I’ve been kicking around the idea of producing a “Best of the” book. (or similar title)

    It would be a compilation of your favorite and most referenced posts. I visualize it as sort of a handy shop manual to have in your shop or garage for reference while working on your projects.

    I have privately reached out and have received enthusiastic approval from the site’s admins and moderators that I have contacted. However, I have had limited success in reaching many of the older members who have contributed so much of the valuable informational posts to the maintenance, modifications, and repairs section of this site.

    So, what I am doing now is publicly reaching out to you, the readers and members, new and old…. What are your all-time favorite posts? Do you have posts that you have bookmarked and refer to frequently?
    Would you like to have your own posts included? Can you recommend “informational”, “educational”, or “how-to advice” posts regarding the XS1100 that should be included in the book? If so, post or send me the links.

    Here’s the big caveat. I’m not really sure about the legalities involved regarding whether the posts here are copyright-protected or not. Therefore, not only as a precautionary measure but also out of respect, WE would need the original poster’s permission to use your/their posts and pictures. If you are the original poster, then it is as simple as sending me a note stating that you are giving your permission/approval to have your posts and pictures published. OR you can simply contact the author of the original post and ask him or her to send me a note. I already have a handful of permissions, but not nearly enough yet. We will need a lot more to make this a comprehensive reality. Without that, this project will “fail to launch!”

    If you think this book idea is an interesting project proposal and would like to be a content contributor with full recognition and credit in the book, let me know. And also, if you know of any others who may be interested, please pass this note on to them.

    I am looking forward to hearing your questions, comments, thoughts, and ideas… publicly or privately. Even a simple Yea or Nay response will be helpful in gauging the interest level.


    Bob's Bikes:
    79SF, Military theme bike

    Bob's websites:

    Bob's Books:
    Project XS11"
    "Rucksack Grunt"
    "Jean's Heroic Journey"

    Bob's Parts:
    For Sale Here.

  • #2
    I think it's a great idea Bob. I am a big fan of Crazy Steve and Top Cat.


    • #3
      Originally posted by DEEBS11 View Post
      I think it's a great idea Bob. I am a big fan of Crazy Steve and Top Cat.
      Yeah, me too! I didn't have any luck when I tried to contact them. Hopefully they will see this post.
      Bob's Bikes:
      79SF, Military theme bike

      Bob's websites:

      Bob's Books:
      Project XS11"
      "Rucksack Grunt"
      "Jean's Heroic Journey"

      Bob's Parts:
      For Sale Here.


      • #4
        Several of the folks you reached out to are dead.
        Marty (in Mississippi)


        • #5
          Originally posted by jetmechmarty View Post
          Several of the folks you reached out to are dead.
          Yes, sad losses. May they rest in peace.

          That's one of the reasons I'd like to get this stuff documented in print before we're all gone!
          Last edited by Ranger_xs1100; 01-22-2024, 03:08 PM.
          Bob's Bikes:
          79SF, Military theme bike

          Bob's websites:

          Bob's Books:
          Project XS11"
          "Rucksack Grunt"
          "Jean's Heroic Journey"

          Bob's Parts:
          For Sale Here.


          • #6
            Originally posted by DEEBS11 View Post
            I think it's a great idea Bob. I am a big fan of Crazy Steve and Top Cat.
            Crazy Steve used to make this place his job. His contribution wa enormous. I don’t believe he’s responded to this board for several years. TC is still around. I believe he has retired and moved on to new interests.
            Marty (in Mississippi)


            • #7
              Howdy Bob,,,,project sounds good, I remember when there were a hundred posts a day on the old site and a ton of stuff in the search section. Maybe a lot of the threads from the old xs gurus are the way to go as they were active for a long time. Some already mentioned,,,also 3phase, Planedick, Motoman, Jerry, Ken Talbot, and lots of others. I would check to see who had the MOST POSTS and that would be a good start. It was unreal all the tips, info. on these xs bikes over the years. I have used the present search on the site and seems to have a lot of the old posts and info. If there was anyway to get the old site posts, videos, pics, would fill an encyclopedia. I am guessing it would be too expensive to print it all, but digital would be very cost effective. Hope all is well and may another xs be resurrected,,,,Mike in San Diego and PA.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Socer4m View Post
                Howdy Bob,,,,project sounds good, I remember when there were a hundred posts a day on the old site and a ton of stuff in the search section. Maybe a lot of the threads from the old xs gurus are the way to go as they were active for a long time. Some already mentioned,,,also 3phase, Planedick, Motoman, Jerry, Ken Talbot, and lots of others. I would check to see who had the MOST POSTS and that would be a good start. It was unreal all the tips, info. on these xs bikes over the years. I have used the present search on the site and seems to have a lot of the old posts and info. If there was anyway to get the old site posts, videos, pics, would fill an encyclopedia. I am guessing it would be too expensive to print it all, but digital would be very cost effective. Hope all is well and may another xs be resurrected,,,,Mike in San Diego and PA.

                Might be a better title: "The XS11 Encyclopedia."
                Bob's Bikes:
                79SF, Military theme bike

                Bob's websites:


                Bob's Books:
                Project XS11"
                "Rucksack Grunt"
                "Jean's Heroic Journey"

                Bob's Parts:
                For Sale Here.


                • #9
                  Great idea!

                  Here are some topics of my favorite posts, many that saved me:

                  (1) How to flip the bike upside and fix the transmission
                  (2) The pilot jet in the K&L Special kit is labeled the right size, but it is not the right size
                  (3) Differences in seats, fenders, etc among the various models
                  (4) Getting stuck pistons out of brake calipers
                  (5) Tool for removing float pins from the carbs without breaking the towers

                  There are lots more I can't think of at the moment.....
                  '79 XS1100SF 20k miles
                  '80 XS1100SG 44k miles
                  '81 XS1100H Venturer 35k miles
                  '79 XS750SF 17k miles
                  '85 Honda V65 Magna ~7k miles
                  '84 Honda V65 Magna 48k miles (parts bike)
                  '86 Yamaha VMAX 9k miles

                  Previous: '68 Motoguzzi 600cc + '79 XS750SF 22k miles +'84 Honda V65


                  • #10
                    Ambitious idea Bob. I like it.
                    Over the years I have copy/pasted a ton of useful posts/pictures/topics. So I have many many (tech, maintenance, how to, etc) .doc files. Some with the contributor noted, some not. But no idea regarding the original posts or threads.
                    I've generally been the recipient of all the great info here. It actually kickstarted my motorcycle interest. Including my very first 'rally', XSEast 2006 in Pineville WV. Leading to a great many more travels with all my Honda ST friends and many thousands of miles.
                    So if I've ever contributed anything useful, feel free to use it.
                    Last edited by DeanR; 01-24-2024, 03:31 PM.
                    80 SG
                    81 SH in parts
                    99 ST1100
                    91 ST1100


                    • #11
                      Thanks Dean! Hope to hear from enough XS lovers to make this a feasible project. It will take a ton of work that I am happy to take on if we can get a ton of support! Bob
                      Bob's Bikes:
                      79SF, Military theme bike

                      Bob's websites:


                      Bob's Books:
                      Project XS11"
                      "Rucksack Grunt"
                      "Jean's Heroic Journey"

                      Bob's Parts:
                      For Sale Here.


                      • #12
                        I have been turning wrenches since 1955. Yes i am old. You can't know everything about everything. I like having a good manual or tech info around when working on something.
                        If it is as good as your PROJECT XS11 and sure it will be i'm in for it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by fly View Post
                          I have been turning wrenches since 1955. Yes i am old. You can't know everything about everything. I like having a good manual or tech info around when working on something.
                          If it is as good as your PROJECT XS11 and sure it will be i'm in for it.
                          Thanks Fly! I'm glad you liked the book.
                          Bob's Bikes:
                          79SF, Military theme bike

                          Bob's websites:


                          Bob's Books:
                          Project XS11"
                          "Rucksack Grunt"
                          "Jean's Heroic Journey"

                          Bob's Parts:
                          For Sale Here.


                          • #14
                            For what's it worth, I say forget the legalities! If you're not selling the book, no worries. As for respect, I imagine that anyone who posted, whether they're still here or long gone, would be honoured to have their XS experience and knowledge showcased and documented for those newcomers like myself. Sorry if I come across crass, but it would be a real darn shame to lose decades of incredible knowledge because of a potential technicality. I have copied many of the posts for my personal reference, but it sure would be great to have more of this information vetted and organized by those with tons more knowledge than I. No disrespect intended; it would just would be a darn shame to lose it through attrition.


                            • #15
                              The unfortunate truth here is that to print a book takes money and will cost someone money to buy that book therefore someone who saw their work in there might want a chunk of that money without regard to whether or not there's any profit to take a share of.

                              Although I love my XS I see it as any of the other bikes I've owned, i.e. I'm not particularly attached to it emotionally. Chances are I'll be moving on to whatever kind of beater in need of a little work is available when it comes time to replace it so I'm not likely to be a buyer of that book. As long as there's an online repair forum to search my guess is their aren't too many other folks that would be willing to buy it either other than those who do have a strong emotional attachment to their XS.

                              To me it seems the better choice to maintain permanence is to see to it the forum stays up and running. More people will access it that way as opposed to paying for a book they've never seen, at least with a forum people may be willing to kick in a few bucks to keep it operating.

                              1980 XS1100G

                              I identify as a man but according to the label on a package of Stauffers Baked Lasagne I'm actually a family of four!

