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Motorcycle performance problem

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  • Motorcycle performance problem

    I have a performance problem with my seems that as I excelerate from a stop sign the engine seems to die. When I clutch it and rev the engine the engine takes off again.

    I have drained the float bowls and petcocks...I have sealed the inside of the tank and had the carbuerators rebuilt last summer.

    What's odd is that the bike will run at speed until I slow down at a stop sign or go around a corner. Then it seems that I either lose spark or gas to a couple of the cylinders. It seems to be worse when the engine is cold as well.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? My mc shop is 100 miles away so I would like to try anything before taking it over to the shop.

    Boomer ED
    Ed Ingalls

  • #2
    It is probably the carbs once again. It can also be the pick up coil wires. The easy check is the pick up coils, as it's just 4 cap screws and remove a cover to check. It is the cover on the left side, as you sit on the bike. The tech tips on the left side of the page has some good information on checking the wires, and I would start there.
    Since I think it is the carbs, you can also look at the carb section. If you have on or two sticking floats, that would cause the problems.It isn't that hard to take things apart, it's just getting all the parts back in place thats a bi#@h.
    Give it a try, and ask away if you need help.
    Ray Matteis
    XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
    XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!


    • #3
      Ed ,
      Have you tried, changing your plugs? Also, when you say that it wants to die, is it acting like it is starving or fuel, or does it bog down like it is too rich? When your mechanic rebuilt the carbs, did he put the original jets back in or did he use new crap that wasn't stock. I just had similar troubles with my 79 sf after I did a carb job and replaced the jets with the ones in the K&L kit. When I went back to the original jets all my problems went away. This might be your problem, anyways it is something to think about.

      '04 VTX C
      '79 XS1100 SF (For Sale)
      '80 QT50 Yamahopper (For Sale)

