Hi, I have been getting suggestions from you all about my mystery high-revving XS750... today I finally had a chance to check the 750 a bit...I wanted to try a couple of things...I wanted to try spraying some carb spray around the carb boots when it was running to see if there was a a vacuum leak... and I wanted to see if it would increase revs on its own if I just let it sit there and idle... (for those not following my other thread, the bike gradually picks up revs as I drive it and it warms up... after 10 minutes of riding it idles at 4K!).
so, I started her up, and let her run... after 10 minutes it hadn't picked up at all from around 1100rpm, so I figured I'd try the carb spray... there was the slightest little blip on one of the carbs, probably nothing... but then, I found the darndest thing... I checked the exhaust pipes, and only 3 was hot, (this one has lots more bluing than the other 2)... the others were barely warm after 10 minutes of running! I put water on the pipes, on three it vaporized instantly, and on the others it just sat there, no steaming even... is it possible it is running on only one cylinder? I checked the plugs, 1 and 2 (especially 2) were a little damp, but not completely gunked up like I thought they might be... always a mystery, maybe I need to bring in a pro? this is the bike I drove back to FL from SC 3 weeks ago with no problems,70 mph the whole way...
so, I started her up, and let her run... after 10 minutes it hadn't picked up at all from around 1100rpm, so I figured I'd try the carb spray... there was the slightest little blip on one of the carbs, probably nothing... but then, I found the darndest thing... I checked the exhaust pipes, and only 3 was hot, (this one has lots more bluing than the other 2)... the others were barely warm after 10 minutes of running! I put water on the pipes, on three it vaporized instantly, and on the others it just sat there, no steaming even... is it possible it is running on only one cylinder? I checked the plugs, 1 and 2 (especially 2) were a little damp, but not completely gunked up like I thought they might be... always a mystery, maybe I need to bring in a pro? this is the bike I drove back to FL from SC 3 weeks ago with no problems,70 mph the whole way...