If any of you are looking at, or thinking about this bike (auction number 4548989772) on ebay, I just went and looked at it, and it is not near as nice as it looks in the pics on ebay. The muffler on the right side has been welded up at the collector, the paint sucks, it has the wrong handlebars on it, and it is really worth no more than $300 (to me) as a parts bike. I'm not posting this to scare anybody away so I can buy it. I'll be totally honest, I may pay up to $300 for it, but I will not go any higher. The cost to ship it will be $300-$500 depending on how far it has to go, so someone may end up spending over $800 for a parts bike. It will take a lot of work to make it look good. It is at a bike salvage yard, and there is no title or key, and they have no idea what is wrong with it.
Again, I'm not trying to scare anyone off, just warning any potential buyers.
Again, I'm not trying to scare anyone off, just warning any potential buyers.