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Fuel costs

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  • #16
    Last Friday on the way to work regular 85 octane was $2.29.9, by the time I passed the same station on the way home it had gone up $.10 to $2.39.9. Went over to Grand Junction yesterday (Saturday) and filled up for $2.16.9. $.23 cents a gallon difference...someone is making a pile of money out of these prices! (Grand Junction is 64 miles from my place.)
    Jerry Fields
    '82 XJ 'Sojourn'
    '06 Concours
    My Galleries Page.
    My Blog Page.
    "... life is just a honky-tonk show." Cherry Poppin' Daddy Strut


    • #17
      Price down under

      98 octane here cost me $4.83.6 per gallon last weekend


      • #18
        Well, here in Norway a gallon cost about 7$ , that is 95 octane. 98 octane are 1$ more. Thats expencive


        • #19
          yeah we here in the states shouldn't be asking "why is gas so expensive" -- we should be asking "why is it so cheap"


          • #20

            We should be asking:

            Why, when the price of crude goes up, gas goes up immediately when the crude that's pumped today takes months to get to the gas station???


            • #21
              It seems to go up 10 cents a galllon everytime I fill up. Yesterday regular was $2.19/gallon. It does lessen the pain when I realize that's still cheap compared to most of the rest of the world.
              79 SF


              • #22
                Check out for prices all over.
                Here in the LA (Cal) area it is $2.31-2.65 for REGULAR
                We havent seen it under $2 for a long long trime.
                Government does not care if prices go up, higher price= higher tax
                Federal tax 18.2 % and Calif State 18.4% IIRC.
                When I die I want to go in my sleep like my Grandfather,... not screaming like the passangers in his car!


                • #23
                  Here in PA, taxes account for over 40% of the cost of a gallon. Fed tax is only a piece of it. Check out the local taxes too, add it up.


                  • #24
                    Never ending post?

                    The way the prices are going up, everybody can post new increases daily. I burn through 2.5 gals in 70 miles every two days, and it seems like I haven't paid the same price twice. I gotta use the good stuff, too. High compression with the big bore. It pings a little on regular, so I won't make that mistake again.
                    I used to work in a gas station back in the mid 70's. I remember customers were chewin' me out because the price had hit .50$ a gallon. They thought I was to blame for the prices. I had to pay the same as them. I got no discounts on gas.


                    • #25
                      I can get free gas anytime I want, I just eat at home!


                      • #26
                        I heard today that we can expect $3.25 per gallon by July!

                        My motorcycles will see plenty of use, rain or shine!
                        Marty (in Mississippi)


                        • #27

                          crikey, it jumped overnight to $2.39 for regular unleaded here in indy today

                          stations use what they call replacement cost. it figures the current price of crude to figure the cost to refill their tanks
                          Last edited by kf4anm; 04-05-2005, 07:40 PM.


                          • #28
                            What gets me is the way 'they' always start talking about price increases coming, it gets played up in the press, and the next thing you know it is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The cost of production hasn't risen, the amount of potential supply hasn't decreased, but all of a sudden thr prices are up. People then accept this because they've been told for a month is was coming. Ever notice how this always seems to happen just in time for a long weekend or the start of the summer vacation season? After a while, the hype dies down in the press and prices fall, but they never fall back to where they started. If I believed in conspiracy theories, I'd think something was up...
                            Ken Talbot


                            • #29
                              What theory, it's a fact

                              no theory about oil companies ripping us off, it's a fact, we get shafted down here shortly before long weekends and public holidays on a regular basis. the government wont do anything about it as fuel revenue is one of the biggest cash cows in the Oz economy.


                              • #30
                                drill bit

                                well all we gotta do is get a reallly reallly long drill bit and charge up the batts on the cordless drill and get a couple cases of beer ,go into back yard and start
                                1982 XJ 1100
                                going strong after 60,000 miles

                                The new and not yet improved TRIXY
                                now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles

