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Seat woes: I am an idiot!!!

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  • Seat woes: I am an idiot!!!

    As usual, I do everything bass-ackwards: bought a nice two level big butt seat from an XS1100 on ebay, paid $80 to have it restitched, THEN tried it on my bike...

    On MY bike, a 79 Special, there are 2 big adjustable T bolts holding the seat down, and no hinge... plus, the ignition module (I think) is under there and seems to make it impossible to even retrofit the new seat to work (I am assuming it was from a Standard)... no room! AAUGH! Is it possible to get a big butt seat that will work on a Special? The seat I have is way too narrow... I get numb legs after 20 miles!

    PS anyone want to buy this seat I have? I'll send pics, it is pretty nice... the guy did a good job on it, I was really looking forward to sitting on it!

    PPS Can anyone tell me how long it will be until I get smart about this stuff? I am not sure I have enough time left!
    Dr. Tim Walters

    Florida Atlantic University
    The Rats
    Full Flight Foundation, Inc.

    "just put the trumpet down and slowly back away..."

    "owned by a 79 XS1100 Special"

  • #2
    Hey there Doc Jazz,

    If the seat you had recovered had a hinge on it, then it wasn't for an XS11. They don't have hinges. The all have a piece of angled metal that is attached to the front edge, and they wedge under a piece near the tank, and then like you said, either clamp down with the "T" shaped nut/bolt style clamp that fits into slotted frame brackets, OR with the XJ, it has easier release style bayonet clamps with spring release latches facing the rear.

    You can reloacate the TCI to allow the seat to fit.

    Or, you can use your existing pan and put a new cover/pad set from JCW on it, see this link:
    Special style 2 level seat

    double bucket style

    If your bucket is too rusted, they also sell replacement complete seats, buckets included, but only in the DOUBLE BUCKET style, for about $189.00, has fiberglass bucket, you use your existing mounting hardware. Hope the above photo links work!
    T. C. Gresham
    81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
    79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
    History shows again and again,
    How nature points out the folly of men!


    • #3
      thanks! it is so great to be in a community like this, with all of us having the same goal: saving some of these noble bikes! I am going to try to use the seat I had rec overed (it is so neat!) by relocating the ignition box and redoing the attachment hardware... if that doesn't work: I will get a new one from the company you suggested, they look excellent!
      Dr. Tim Walters

      Florida Atlantic University
      The Rats
      Full Flight Foundation, Inc.

      "just put the trumpet down and slowly back away..."

      "owned by a 79 XS1100 Special"


      • #4

        Please correct me if I'm wrong (lol) but weren't the hinges for the 750/ 850's???


        • #5
          although I have no idea, really, I bet they were (I am the worst kind of rookie: a gullible one!)... this was listed on ebay as an XS1100 seat, even has it written on it on the bottom... I am such a rookie I bought it hook line and sinker... really nice seat, especially now I have had it repaired...

          in the true spirit of the XS, I am going to try to find a way to make it work... first, to move the ignition module...
          Dr. Tim Walters

          Florida Atlantic University
          The Rats
          Full Flight Foundation, Inc.

          "just put the trumpet down and slowly back away..."

          "owned by a 79 XS1100 Special"


          • #6
            Hey, Jazzrat, is this you? I believe you're in good company on this list, in more ways that one!
            Ken Talbot


            • #7
              Jazz Concert in Florida?

              Ken, how do you find time to read press releases from Florida Atlantic U? You have to live about 4200 kms away from there.


              • #8
                Hinges? We don't need no stinkin' hinges

                As a former owner of a XS 750 SF, I can tell you that the seat that you bought is for an xXS 750-850. I hope you can find a way to make it work. Seems a shame to not be able to use it after doing all that work.


                • #9
                  I am the head Jazzrat!

                  Yup, that is me... it was a fun concert, Dick Hyman is a superb musician. We are trying to find funding to record a CD of the blues piece we played on that concert...

                  PS, maybe I need to get an XS850 to go with my seat!
                  Dr. Tim Walters

                  Florida Atlantic University
                  The Rats
                  Full Flight Foundation, Inc.

                  "just put the trumpet down and slowly back away..."

                  "owned by a 79 XS1100 Special"


                  • #10

                    I would strongly recommend if ya find a triple at a reasonable price to get it! But just in case ya don't how much do ya want for the seat?? You can pm me if ya want.


                    • #11
                      I to got a seat I can't use , got it a couple of years ago. Still have it was told it would fit my Midnight Sp. when it got here it had papers with it for a 79f real nice double bucket . so I got one from j.c. whipme for 215.00 live and learn. If any body need a seat let me know.
                      80 Midnight Sp.-Evil Mistress
                      96 Royal Star-unnamed
                      650 Savage-unnamed


                      • #12

                        Well there ya Doctor of Jazz!! Always someone with something!!


                        • #13

                          When I see you next week, I can show you how I relocated my ignition box to allow for my seat to fit. I had a similiar issue to yours.

                          My first was the PO retrofitted a non-xs seat. I bought one off ebay but the way it pushed down on the box it forced the plastic fender into my tire, essentially causing me to get a new fender.

                          If the seat pan is designed like I think it is, we can get it to work on your bike. If you can, bring it by and I can take a look.
                          Owned by a pair of XS11's. An 80 Standard and a 79 Special.


                          • #14
                            I will bungee the seat to my seat and bring it down... that will be a sight to see, 2 seats at once!
                            Dr. Tim Walters

                            Florida Atlantic University
                            The Rats
                            Full Flight Foundation, Inc.

                            "just put the trumpet down and slowly back away..."

                            "owned by a 79 XS1100 Special"


                            • #15
                              Make sure you bungee the second seat behind you and not under you. Otherwise your feet may not touch the ground.
                              Owned by a pair of XS11's. An 80 Standard and a 79 Special.

