I expect running over one of those at about 70 would not be too pleasant! When I was younger, and riding my little 350 around MT and WY, I once saw my brother (on a bike about 50 yards in front of me) get hit by a bird... all of a sudden there was a big puff of feathers where the bird had been... and that only weighed 6 ounces or so...
No announcement yet.
new owner saying hi!
Hey there Doc/Jazzrat,
Welcome to the group! Aside from getting it home, many of us would highly recommend that you look into taking a Motorcycle Safety Foundation course, ASAP. Being an educator yourself, I'm sure you can understand and appreciate the benefits of a "Refresher" course, as well as possibly learning something(s) new and useful=lifesaving!!
Looking forward to seeing many more of your posts!T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
I am definitely going to take a course... I think the one called BRC would be best after all these years... all my riding was done in the wide open spaces, out west... not in crazy Florida where they'd just as soon squash you as miss you! Unfortunately, I don't think I can take the course before I get the motorcycle back here... I have to go get it soon to take it out of the guy's garage so he can put his new machine in! If I knew a good local rider with some spare time I would ask him or her to ride it back for me... I am not hooked into the local bike community at all yet, though.Dr. Tim Walters
Florida Atlantic University
The Rats
Full Flight Foundation, Inc.
"just put the trumpet down and slowly back away..."
"owned by a 79 XS1100 Special"
Hey there again Doc,
You're near Boca Raton, Ft. Lauderdale. I bet if you posted another message requesting a DRIVER and describe the route, and throw in a six pack or case?:P of their favorite beverage, to be consumed "after" the ride home, I'm sure one of our friendly Floridian Xsives that lives nearby would be more than happy and willing to help you get it home safely!!
We'd rather do that UNTIL you can get your driving skills back up to par, than to hear about you crashing and burning on the way home........such a waste of a good running XS11 !!And of course we wouldn't want to see you get hurt either! :P
T.C. An ex-Orlandoan, a few decades removed!!T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
Driver needed, South Florida!
I am a newbie to big bikes, I last rode in the 70's on a 350 Kawasaki triple... anyway, I have just bought a 79 XS1000 from a gentleman in Ft Myers (Bokeelia, actually), and I am hoping to find someone with the time and interest in driving it back to my home in Delray Beach... I would bring the person over there, and follow him/her back... I cannot pay much for this, a case or at least a six pack was suggested (for AFTER the ride!)... if I get no response I am up for driving it back myself, it would be a great adventure! this needs to be done in the next 2 weeks, the seller needs the space in his garage for his new bike! Please email me at jazzrat2000@hotmail.com...Dr. Tim Walters
Florida Atlantic University
The Rats
Full Flight Foundation, Inc.
"just put the trumpet down and slowly back away..."
"owned by a 79 XS1100 Special"
Greetings Doc,
Unfortunitly I'm up in north east Florida and time the timing is not great or I'd be glad to help.
If you have something to tow with, U-Haul has a motorcycle trailer for rent really cheap.
That would eliminate your need for an extra person and make sure that you and the bike make it home without incident.Walt
80 XS11s - "Landshark"
79 XS11s
03 Valkyrie
80 XS Midnight Special - Freebee 1
78 Honda CB125C - Freebee 2
81 Suzuki 850L - Freebee 3
Thanks! I have a Highlander, I think I will check into the trailer idea... that would also mean I wouldn't need 2 people to get it back, which could be a plus as well...Dr. Tim Walters
Florida Atlantic University
The Rats
Full Flight Foundation, Inc.
"just put the trumpet down and slowly back away..."
"owned by a 79 XS1100 Special"
I posted to your other thread. I am also a xs1100 rider in the South Florida area and if I can, I will be happy to help you out. As to the ride across the alley, there is one stop about halfway across so fuel should not be a problem.
Not to mention, not riding for a while, you won't want to go more than an hour of driving without a break. I know this from experience when I went to pick up my bike in Royal Palm Beach and drive it south on 441 to Broward, with a funky clutch.
I have 5 gallon gas cans just in case. An out of tune xs can get less than 20 mpg. You don't have to ask me how I know this.
e-mail me and we can see about hooking up for the ride.Owned by a pair of XS11's. An 80 Standard and a 79 Special.
The XS1100 lives!
It was a great adventure! Fortunately for me my friend drove it all the way to my house that day... I drove it the last 80 feet into my back yard. Three days ago I got a new tag for it and passed the written test we have in Florida, thereby getting the "provisional license", which just means I can't take passengers... two days ago I drove it around our neighborhood to get a little used to it, and yesterday I drove it 7 miles to the cycle repair shop to have it checked out from head to toe... so, I am proud to say, I am now a rider, not just a watcher! Thanks for the post!Dr. Tim Walters
Florida Atlantic University
The Rats
Full Flight Foundation, Inc.
"just put the trumpet down and slowly back away..."
"owned by a 79 XS1100 Special"
eeezzz into getting to know her and what she's capable of. You'll be quite pleased in the long run.S.R.Czekus
1-Project SG (Ugly Rat Bike)(URB)
1-big XS patch
1-small XS/XJ patch
1-XS/XJ owners pin.
1-really cool XS/XJ owners sticker on my helmet.
2-2005 XS rally T-shirts, (Bean Blossom, In)
1-XVS1300C Yamaha Stryker Custom (Mosquito)
1-VN900C Kawasaki Custom (Jelly Bean)
Just do it !!!!!
In the few minutes I have been riding, I can already see it is a very capable, BIG bike! I plan to get her into top shape, and keep her for many years...Dr. Tim Walters
Florida Atlantic University
The Rats
Full Flight Foundation, Inc.
"just put the trumpet down and slowly back away..."
"owned by a 79 XS1100 Special"