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Treading thin ice

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  • Treading thin ice

    Anyone got personalised plates on their XS? Here's a pic of mine.

    $50,000 BMW owners hate it. The boy racers in their noisy souped up jappo cages hate it too. Take off from the lights, and by the time they figure out what it says, the old dunger $1200 bike is over the horizon.

    Got pulled over by a cop for a license check.

    Cop goes "Hey! What's that plate supposed to mean?"

    I go "It says Christmas mate"

    He goes "Bull***! It says kiss my ass!"

    I'm thinking uh-oh, here's trouble.

    I put on an innocent face and go "My gosh! so it does! I never saw it THAT way before!"

    Cop grins and says "Get the hell outta here"


  • #2

    Good one! That is a very clean looking bike as well.
    78E Ratbyk
    82 FT500 "lilRat"


    • #3
      i would not mind having that on guess i'll have to see if there is one in TX
      78 XS1100E "Black Rat"
      78 XS1100E Parts


      • #4
        Big plate

        Hi Pat,
        that plate is as big as a bedsheet, your street nazis must be into photo-radar? And held on with five Allen screws too.
        Lots of jurisdictions allow RTMS while turning down RTFMS but sometimes their motivation is plain weird.
        My sons tried to get me an XS650 personalized plate to go on my XS650 but the Saskatchewan authorities turned it down because "they might make a stock plate with that number". So I settled for XS which turned out just fine because my XS11 now flies it.
        Fred Hill, S'toon.
        Fred Hill, S'toon
        XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
        "The Flying Pumpkin"


        • #5
          LOL -very funny. But Fred is right - I think I have seen smaller billboards.
          Jason K.
          '80 XS1100G
          '80 XS850LG
          '96 FZR600


          • #6
            Too close to the camera lens. Motorbike plates down here are 10 inches X 4 inches. Not sure, is that bigger than in the states?


            • #7
              Here in Indiana, when you apply for a personal plate, you have to write on the form what it's supposed to mean, or if it's an abbreviation what it stands for. Pretty hard to get anything "racy" by the DMV here.
              82 XJ1100J


              • #8
                It must be the close up camera shot. My bike plate is not that much different in size, it measures 7 inches X 4 inches.
                Jason K.
                '80 XS1100G
                '80 XS850LG
                '96 FZR600


                • #9
                  big letters

                  Hi Pat,
                  The Saskatchewan & the Manitoba bike plates are 7-3/4" x 3-7/8" with 2" letters. The Alberta plate used to be way bigger than that but so many bikers complained about towing a bedsheet that it was reduced to the SK/MB dimensions but the letters on it are nearly 3" tall for the benefit of the photo-radar cameras.
                  Fred Hill, S'toon.
                  Fred Hill, S'toon
                  XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
                  "The Flying Pumpkin"


                  • #10

                    John sez:-
                    Here in Indiana, when you apply for a personal plate, you have to write on the form what it's supposed to mean, or if it's an abbreviation what it stands for. Pretty hard to get anything "racy" by the DMV here.
                    Hi John,
                    Guy I know rides a Harley. He wanted whatever 4-letter designation his Harley was as a personalized plate.
                    "You can't have that" they said "That is an obscene reference."
                    "No it ain't, it's the bike's factory designation."
                    "It's still obscene"
                    It took him and the Saskatoon main Harley dealer visiting the deputy minister to get that plate issued.
                    Some people have really low minds; betcha those guys wouldn't have believed KSMAS meant Christmas neither.
                    Fred Hill, S'toon.
                    Fred Hill, S'toon
                    XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
                    "The Flying Pumpkin"


                    • #11
                      Just about any reference to a Harley is obscene

                      just out of curiosity....... did HD make a JB model?


                      • #12

                        Ooh meow Justyn,
                        Nothing wrong with Harleys except their appalling first cost and the attitude of most that ride them. Just like the Beemervolk and probably why those groups don't get on well together.
                        JB as in Jim Beam or perhaps JB-Weld? Excellent as that two-part compound is, the average Harley would shake it right off.
                        Fred Hill, S'toon.
                        Fred Hill, S'toon
                        XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
                        "The Flying Pumpkin"

