Well ,i need to run this by THE GUYS,was thinking of naming my scooter EMPTY POCKETS.What do you yhink?Reason being spend any and all eXtra money keeping it running,therefore leaving me with EMPTY POCKETS....lol
No announcement yet.
After much thought
All of us should name em emty pockets. If you're comfortable with it, Let er buck. I was thinking of renaming "MIYAMI" to Little ho but felt that even though it's fitting that just wouldn't be right.S.R.Czekus
1-Project SG (Ugly Rat Bike)(URB)
1-big XS patch
1-small XS/XJ patch
1-XS/XJ owners pin.
1-really cool XS/XJ owners sticker on my helmet.
2-2005 XS rally T-shirts, (Bean Blossom, In)
1-XVS1300C Yamaha Stryker Custom (Mosquito)
1-VN900C Kawasaki Custom (Jelly Bean)
Just do it !!!!!