Well I need to whine about something I saw yesterday on my way home from work that *issed me off terribly. Here it goes so bear with me. On my way home to work on the XS and get er runnin for this weekend, The traffic was pretty heavy here in Sioux Falls. Speed limit is 30mph down this main road, comming up to a main intersection that's notorius for accedents, and lo and behold here comes a Honda goldwing Interstate, Got a guy powering the unit looked to be in his mid 50's in jogging shorts, tennis shoes, T-shirt and fullface helmet. Got a kid on the back probably about 8 or so dressed the same way. What *issed me off was I was doing 35, this guy had to be doing at least 45 just to pass a few cars to come to a red light and get passed by the cars that he just passed. Well he never used his back brakes cause his feet were about 1-2 in from the ground And he hit his front brakes pretty hard to stop, H stoped about 1/2 a foot from the car In front of him. I thought for sure I was going to be a witness to an accedent. I hope this kid doesn't grow up to think that's the right way to moto down the road. Anyway thanks for letting blow off some steam. I just wanted to kick the guy off the bike ofor riding like he's in a car and in a hurry, not useing his brains
