Hey guys, It has been almost two years sense I've been on here. A lot has happened in that time.
I had to stop riding in May of 2018 because I could no longer hold the bike up from pain in my right hip. Most of the time I could handle it but if there was a sudden jolt it often left me in tears! Went to see an orthopedist. He told me I had bad arthritis in that hip. He said my options were to put up with the pain or have surgery to replace it. I oped to put up with the pain for the time being... until about a month later when I tripped, stumbled and caught my self with my right leg. I yelled a few choice words. Once the crying stopped from the women and children (OK, i confess I was the one crying) I picked my self up off the ground and called the doctor about having surgery. Once I made the decision things moved fast. I got into see the surgeon in a week but said in the consultation that it would be a month before he could operate on me. I was OK with the wait so that I could get used to the idea. The next day they called and said they had a cancellation and asked if I wanted to fill the slot... for some reason I said yes. That was on Thursday on the following Tuesday I was in surgery
The surgery went pretty well for the most part. During the surgery I actually woke up.
Luckily the the epidural was still working. I hear someone pounding with a hammer and it took me a minute to realize what was happening. The anesthesiologist asked me if I wanted to be put back under, I just said as long as I don't feel pain I'm OK. I didn't need to be put back under, the surgeon finished pretty quickly after that. Once I got back to my room I was told that as soon as I could walk down the hall and up two stairs the back to my room I could go home but most people stay over night and some stay two nights. My surgery was at 9:00 am and I walked out of the hospital at 4:30 pm...I hate hospitals. Two days later I was back at work.
My recovery went well I was off crutches after a week to just useing a cane. It took about 4 months to be able to walk with no pain. Things were going well for me and my family. had a good thanksgiving and Christmas... then the new year hit. Jan 15th 2019 about 12:05 am as I was getting ready for bed my chest started to tighten up. I felt like I just did 20 reps of 200 pound bench presses. (I've only done that once in my youth) It didn't take but a few seconds to realize what was happening. I woke my wife up. Told her not to be alarmed but I thought I was having a heart attack. To her credit she stayed very calm. I told her to take me to the hospital. I put my PJ's on then laid on the bed and said forget taking me and to cal the peripatetics. She dialed 911 she told them what was happening and by the time she gave them our information the first paramedic was at our door. They had me walk down my stairs and out to the ambulance. They tried three times on the trip to the hospital to put the IV in with no luck. It was a bumpy rood. I was into surgery by 3:00 am getting three stints in. I had what they refer to as the widow-maker. The following Monday I go back to work. I think I rode the bike once last year.
My health is good now (exercising and eating better) and it is finally getting nice out so I pulled the bike out checked the battery It was fully charged even after sitting for so long. I would crank but would not fire. Sprayed some staring fluid in it and she started right up. after a minute or two on full choke she was able to idle with out the choke. She is stumbling off the start so I need to pull the carbs and clean them.
Looking forward to riding again this year.
I had to stop riding in May of 2018 because I could no longer hold the bike up from pain in my right hip. Most of the time I could handle it but if there was a sudden jolt it often left me in tears! Went to see an orthopedist. He told me I had bad arthritis in that hip. He said my options were to put up with the pain or have surgery to replace it. I oped to put up with the pain for the time being... until about a month later when I tripped, stumbled and caught my self with my right leg. I yelled a few choice words. Once the crying stopped from the women and children (OK, i confess I was the one crying) I picked my self up off the ground and called the doctor about having surgery. Once I made the decision things moved fast. I got into see the surgeon in a week but said in the consultation that it would be a month before he could operate on me. I was OK with the wait so that I could get used to the idea. The next day they called and said they had a cancellation and asked if I wanted to fill the slot... for some reason I said yes. That was on Thursday on the following Tuesday I was in surgery

My recovery went well I was off crutches after a week to just useing a cane. It took about 4 months to be able to walk with no pain. Things were going well for me and my family. had a good thanksgiving and Christmas... then the new year hit. Jan 15th 2019 about 12:05 am as I was getting ready for bed my chest started to tighten up. I felt like I just did 20 reps of 200 pound bench presses. (I've only done that once in my youth) It didn't take but a few seconds to realize what was happening. I woke my wife up. Told her not to be alarmed but I thought I was having a heart attack. To her credit she stayed very calm. I told her to take me to the hospital. I put my PJ's on then laid on the bed and said forget taking me and to cal the peripatetics. She dialed 911 she told them what was happening and by the time she gave them our information the first paramedic was at our door. They had me walk down my stairs and out to the ambulance. They tried three times on the trip to the hospital to put the IV in with no luck. It was a bumpy rood. I was into surgery by 3:00 am getting three stints in. I had what they refer to as the widow-maker. The following Monday I go back to work. I think I rode the bike once last year.
My health is good now (exercising and eating better) and it is finally getting nice out so I pulled the bike out checked the battery It was fully charged even after sitting for so long. I would crank but would not fire. Sprayed some staring fluid in it and she started right up. after a minute or two on full choke she was able to idle with out the choke. She is stumbling off the start so I need to pull the carbs and clean them.
Looking forward to riding again this year.