Hello everyone.
I just found this site and hope to spend some time out here. I own an '82 Maxim 1100 (XJ1100, I believe). The bike has about 15,000 miles on it and is in pretty good condition.
I changed the oil the other day and, based on the tiny amount of oil that drained out, and the fact the bike will smoke some on high revs, I'm assuming I may have to do some major engine work in the near future (new seals, gaskets, etc...).
I was actually looking for parts and a Haynes manual when I ran across your site. Glad I found it.
I hope you can all help me out when I need it. I'm mechanically inclined but have never actually done any large-scale repairs on motorcycle engines.
If any of you have links to parts catalogs for the '82 Maxim, I would appreciate. Also, any technical information you can get me is greatly appreciated. Like I said, I'm pretty sure it's an XJ1100 but I'm not sure if the actual model is stamped on the engine anywhere.
I'll look around and try to find my own answers as well. Good to meet everyone...
I just found this site and hope to spend some time out here. I own an '82 Maxim 1100 (XJ1100, I believe). The bike has about 15,000 miles on it and is in pretty good condition.
I changed the oil the other day and, based on the tiny amount of oil that drained out, and the fact the bike will smoke some on high revs, I'm assuming I may have to do some major engine work in the near future (new seals, gaskets, etc...).
I was actually looking for parts and a Haynes manual when I ran across your site. Glad I found it.
I hope you can all help me out when I need it. I'm mechanically inclined but have never actually done any large-scale repairs on motorcycle engines.
If any of you have links to parts catalogs for the '82 Maxim, I would appreciate. Also, any technical information you can get me is greatly appreciated. Like I said, I'm pretty sure it's an XJ1100 but I'm not sure if the actual model is stamped on the engine anywhere.
I'll look around and try to find my own answers as well. Good to meet everyone...
