I have a friend who I served with, his daughter has t cell lymphoma. she is only 17 years old. They are trying to cover the hospital costs but Robin had to quite her job to be with Ashely through this battle and Bruce was just a soldier like me. So I decided to have a raffle on my 78 E and give them the proceeds to help with the Chemo bills. Canada has become a great country unless you're Canadian. I just found out it is illegal for me to do that, subject to a fifty thousand dollar fine. WTF
I'm so disappointed I can't help her. I know I can't ask for help on this site but if anyone wishes to contribute to her chemo. send me a PM and I'll provide the link.
I'm so disappointed I can't help her. I know I can't ask for help on this site but if anyone wishes to contribute to her chemo. send me a PM and I'll provide the link.