Motorcycles are fraught with dangers and risks...comes with the territory ride or be scaared and not live your close encounter has nothing to do with motorcycles but the dangers and risks were just as real..if not moresso..those of you here that are my friends on Fb know what I am about to say...for the rest of you...
I have had an ongoing health issue for a couple years thaat i only atrributed to my overweight frame and sedentary a result my blood pressure has become an issue...keeping it under control was fine with the right drugs...recently i went to an urgent care Dr that will become a primary care facility next while sitiing there with my ner PCP discussing the stste of my BP and the meds i need..I also mention to her my other physical discomforts from my low back...the heaviness that increases in accordance with the amount of time I stand on my right there she aalready suspects something and has me xraayed right there in thier facilty...what she discovered bleww me away...the general xray picked up an Abdominal Aortic looked big but a general xray was not conclusive enough...she sent me for an ultrasound and they confirmed it and the size of it...they recommended I go straight to ER and be have a CatScan with the conrast dye..I did that and the Dr's came back to tell me I needed to have this surgically repaired or else i would die if it ruptured...The aorta comes down from the heart to the abdomen region before splitting off into the laft and right femoral arteries...the Aorta had balloned up...liken this to a car tire that has an inner tube...the outer wall has a hole and the inner tube protrudes from it like a balloon or bubble..if it were to burst than emergency surgery might not save fact if it went that way i surely would not be here to type it was it had not burst but the Dr's had 2 sscenarios to fix this...both fraught with risks. The first of which was a stent inserted in the groin area on bothe sides of the femoral arteries and inserted into the aorta as well the portions of the femoral arteries close to the aorta had bubbled as well...the other option was even more aortic graft where they open up your stomach and cut out the bad sections and graft an animal's blood vessels in place..recovery time is twice as long and hospital stay would be 7 to 10 days possibly more if complications set for a day until I found out what they were planning to mind was racing and my BP was spiked..even with medication to control it...I had headaches as well...finally spoke to the surgeons and they recommended the stent procedeure...and that I waste no time in having it done...they were confident and the procedure is fairly a common occurance with the next day I had the stent put in..a 4 hour operation that had me asleep with more needles and IV's than one would ever expect...But my bottom line says I am a survivor...when they revived me from the operation i immediately tried to get up...I wasnt even really concious and yet I was struggling with the nurses there..they were amazed at my strength and it took 3 staff to restrain me...I didnt become fully concious until i was back in my room when they told me what had now I have two 4" incisions on each side of my groin and 3 stents connected inside the femoral areteries and in the aorta...this will redirect the blood flow flow and eliminate the weak parts of the blood I wont go into many details of my hospital stay but the gist of it is that in less than 24 hours i got out of that horrible hospital bed and stood on my feet..I had been laying in that bed a good 24 hours and it was so uncomfortable that I just knew I had to get out of it sooner rather than later...24 hours later and they sent me home..I'm sore as hell but i will drriving for a week and no bike for at least 2 weeks
if ti werent for my PCP and the excellent Dr's and Nurses at WakeMed hosp iw ould hasve been going along until the damn thing ruptured and it was going to My PCP saved my life she is an excellent Dr and i am truly a blessed man...Y'all have a great day...see y'all next year

I have had an ongoing health issue for a couple years thaat i only atrributed to my overweight frame and sedentary a result my blood pressure has become an issue...keeping it under control was fine with the right drugs...recently i went to an urgent care Dr that will become a primary care facility next while sitiing there with my ner PCP discussing the stste of my BP and the meds i need..I also mention to her my other physical discomforts from my low back...the heaviness that increases in accordance with the amount of time I stand on my right there she aalready suspects something and has me xraayed right there in thier facilty...what she discovered bleww me away...the general xray picked up an Abdominal Aortic looked big but a general xray was not conclusive enough...she sent me for an ultrasound and they confirmed it and the size of it...they recommended I go straight to ER and be have a CatScan with the conrast dye..I did that and the Dr's came back to tell me I needed to have this surgically repaired or else i would die if it ruptured...The aorta comes down from the heart to the abdomen region before splitting off into the laft and right femoral arteries...the Aorta had balloned up...liken this to a car tire that has an inner tube...the outer wall has a hole and the inner tube protrudes from it like a balloon or bubble..if it were to burst than emergency surgery might not save fact if it went that way i surely would not be here to type it was it had not burst but the Dr's had 2 sscenarios to fix this...both fraught with risks. The first of which was a stent inserted in the groin area on bothe sides of the femoral arteries and inserted into the aorta as well the portions of the femoral arteries close to the aorta had bubbled as well...the other option was even more aortic graft where they open up your stomach and cut out the bad sections and graft an animal's blood vessels in place..recovery time is twice as long and hospital stay would be 7 to 10 days possibly more if complications set for a day until I found out what they were planning to mind was racing and my BP was spiked..even with medication to control it...I had headaches as well...finally spoke to the surgeons and they recommended the stent procedeure...and that I waste no time in having it done...they were confident and the procedure is fairly a common occurance with the next day I had the stent put in..a 4 hour operation that had me asleep with more needles and IV's than one would ever expect...But my bottom line says I am a survivor...when they revived me from the operation i immediately tried to get up...I wasnt even really concious and yet I was struggling with the nurses there..they were amazed at my strength and it took 3 staff to restrain me...I didnt become fully concious until i was back in my room when they told me what had now I have two 4" incisions on each side of my groin and 3 stents connected inside the femoral areteries and in the aorta...this will redirect the blood flow flow and eliminate the weak parts of the blood I wont go into many details of my hospital stay but the gist of it is that in less than 24 hours i got out of that horrible hospital bed and stood on my feet..I had been laying in that bed a good 24 hours and it was so uncomfortable that I just knew I had to get out of it sooner rather than later...24 hours later and they sent me home..I'm sore as hell but i will drriving for a week and no bike for at least 2 weeks
