So recently I put a camera mount on Betsy, and I've been experimenting with shooting riding videos. Another member said he was ailing and unable to ride, and liked watching the videos - which got me thinking. I know I'm not the only one with a camera, and maybe it would be fun to have a thread with a bunch of XSive videos in one place. Might be nice for those who are a little banged up and can't ride right now - and it might be fun for a bunch of us in the cold winter months when all we can do is dream about riding on warm summer days.
Doesn't have to be a riding video - anything with an XS/XJ in it should do nicely. Or any motorcycle for that matter. I just ask that it be actual XS11 member's own personal videos - more interesting that way. Hopefully there's some interest in our little community.
I'll start the ball rolling with a vid I shot yesterday. Nothing earth shattering, but I did get behind a SAAAA-WEEEET '65 Mustang for a while...
Lost in the corn
Doesn't have to be a riding video - anything with an XS/XJ in it should do nicely. Or any motorcycle for that matter. I just ask that it be actual XS11 member's own personal videos - more interesting that way. Hopefully there's some interest in our little community.
I'll start the ball rolling with a vid I shot yesterday. Nothing earth shattering, but I did get behind a SAAAA-WEEEET '65 Mustang for a while...
Lost in the corn