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The wonderful age of technology

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  • The wonderful age of technology

    This will get you wound up. Just been reading about the latest sleazy governmental hidden agendas. Very soon - sooner than you think - all road going vehicles will be required by law to have compulsory speed monitering satellite chips affixed. They're secretly trialing the systems as we speak. Your bike will now be tracked and monitered 24 hours a day.

    Gun your bike away from the lights and exceed the speed limit for a few seconds - and Pow! you'll receive an instant fine via Email. Twist the throttle and perform a fast 3 second passing manouvre on the highway - and Pow! another instant fine. Find yourself a deserted empty back country road and - god forbid - blow the cobwebs out of your bike - and Wham! you'll receive an even bigger fine.

    Expect to receive an immediate vehicle confiscation notice that night. Of course, the satellites will be linked directly to your bank account. Go for a cruise and break the speed limit by a few mph, and you'll receive an Email advising you that x amount of dollars was instantly deducted from your account that day.

    For the poor slobs such as myself who run a semi-loud 4-1 exhaust, well, in conjunction with the multitudes of surrepticiously hidden roadside decibel monitering systems, we're gonna get really hammered. The good old days of fast motorbikes are to be well and truly stomped on.

    Don't be naive enough to think that the money grubbing beuracrats won't try it on. To all XS11 owners, it's time to bow your heads and accept the fact that YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED. RESISTANCE WILL BE FUTILE.

    Have a nice day.

  • #2

    let them try.They can put a chip on my xj when they pry the handlebars from my cold dead fingers!
    1982 XJ 1100
    going strong after 60,000 miles

    The new and not yet improved TRIXY
    now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles


    • #3
      You can fool some of the people all of the time.

      Let's not allow ourselves to get caught up in every internet urban legend that we read.

      We're much smarter than that.



      • #4
        Randy's such a whiz with 'trons the he will find a way to defeat it anyway.


        • #5
          Sure just cut it off and glue it to a car.



          • #6
            If they can build it . . . I can hack it.

            Daniel Meyer
            Author. Adventurer. Electrician.
            Find out why...It's About the Ride.


            • #7
              Warning! Non compliance will not be tolerated. Anyone caught fiddling the system shall forcibly have the chip surgically implanted into the bones of their skull. Please realise this is for your own safety and wellbeing.


              • #8
                I need some of whatever it is you're smoking. PM me and i'll give you my addy.




                • #9
                  Too late - some funny people in white coats just locked my cell. Maybe I can bribe matron for a pen and paper.


                  • #10
                    Just send us some seeds...we'll do the rest. We'll have Randy build us a growth accelerator out of some old TCI units


                    • #11

                      And I always thought the Government lied to me when they said I'd have flashbacks back in the 70's, I myself always thought that would be a good deal, you know two for one. But after reading PGG's post, I'm glad that it didn't come true.
                      There's always a way, figure it out.


                      • #12
                        I can't believe you guys didn't know about this. Ever since I was abducted I've been wrapping my head in aluminum foil to shield myself from the mind control rays being sent to my subcranial implant. People do tend to look at me funny, so I figure I'll have a helmet made up like Merlin's in "Excalibur". Then I will blend right in. The chip they add to the XS is easy to find. It's the only electronic thing on the bike that works.
                        2010 Kawasaki Z1000
                        1979 SF: Millennium Falcon, until this Saturday


                        • #13

                          Had my XJ out yesterday for a run, works better than ever. Guess the CHIP got implanted in the bike when i was asleep. Hope it lasts better than the Black Box. LOL bkr


                          • #14
                            Little black boxes, Speed chips, Roadside audio thinggies and so on. C'mon, Their's alot of road out there ( espeicially here in the Dakota's) that are not traveled by very many people and provide some of the best riding there is to offer. Besides, When the guy in dark glasses comes around my house in the middle of the night to install this watch-a-call-it thing First I let my dog have a little fun before (AHEM) I invite him in for coffee and donuts.

                            1-Project SG (Ugly Rat Bike)(URB)
                            1-big XS patch
                            1-small XS/XJ patch
                            1-XS/XJ owners pin.
                            1-really cool XS/XJ owners sticker on my helmet.
                            2-2005 XS rally T-shirts, (Bean Blossom, In)
                            1-XVS1300C Yamaha Stryker Custom (Mosquito)
                            1-VN900C Kawasaki Custom (Jelly Bean)

                            Just do it !!!!!


                            • #15
                              Hahaha... let them put it on a harley..... LOL

                              1st.... it can hardley exceed the speed limit
                              2nd.... how long will it last due to the vibration...
                              3rd... it probbably won't be in a nice chrome package...

                              If it doesn't have an engine, it's not a sport, it's only a game.
                              (stole that one from I-dont-know-who)

