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Robotic Motorcycle!

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  • Robotic Motorcycle!

    It doesnt even need a rider, and I think it's a Yamaha!
    2010 Kawasaki Z1000
    1979 SF: Millennium Falcon, until this Saturday

  • #2

    They showed it on Tech TV, the Screen Savers when they did the segment on that Gov't. contest for automated machines to run a 200mile course. NOBODY....err...should I say no machine finished!!! The Gov't has a mandate that something like 40% of vehicles will be automatically controlled/self controlled by 2010!? Good luck!!

    Lots of interesting techniques for steering, road/direction/obstacle recognition etc.!! Just goes to show it's harder to replace a human than they think, or at least for now!
    T. C. Gresham
    81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
    79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
    History shows again and again,
    How nature points out the folly of men!


    • #3
      What a waste of time and money.

      I've got two words for those idiots in Washington:

      Joan Claybrook

      Geezer, you know what mean.



      • #4
        In many ways I agree that it is a waste of money. I think that a lot of technology seems ridiculous at first, but people begin to find new applications for it. I think the foundation for a lot of this stuff is that humans can be the weak link in the chain. The next generation of fighter jets will probably be remote controlled. A current F-16 could pull 13G's, but the pilot can only handle 7. Get rid of the on board pilot, and you can decimate a traditionally piloted air force. I think the most disturbing aspect of increasing technology is how it starts out as a servant, and winds up becoming the master. Although I DO NOT, AND NEVER HAVE, condoned the actions of Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber), the manifesto he had published is an interesting read. So is the history of King Ludd and the Luddites. It's all about technology reducing the value of mankind. When the sewing machine was invented, tailors in France rioted. They saw the end of their trade approaching. For the most part, they were right. Tailors typically alter mass produced suits nowadays, not make them from scratch. I apologize to those who were expecting a motorcycle related posting, as this is definitely not. I'm going to inject one more topic for those interested in technology. Get a book on Nicola Tesla. He invented radio (check it out before you mention Marconi, I've won money on this one!) our AC power system, neon and flourescent lighting, brushless AC motors, etc. Most people haven't even heard of him. Unable to prove his DC system was superior, Thomas Edison resorted to electrocuting animals in public to demonstrate the "danger" of AC power. Sorry again for the tangent...
        2010 Kawasaki Z1000
        1979 SF: Millennium Falcon, until this Saturday

