This past weekend I decided to clean half the garage so that my wife could get her X5 parked in there. found that I had a lot of junk accumulated over the last few years. I have three XJ1100's parked on one side in various stages of being built. I have all the parts except one set of mufflers, I have the headers and have been scouring EBay for a set. As I was getting down to the last few buckets and boxes (most of which were empty) I came across two sets of carbs for the XS1100 and a set of mufflers for the XJ! It was like Christmas (except I got something I wanted with out knowing I was getting it
). I even found multiple other parts that I had bought but misplaced. Like new handlebar grips and extra ACCT.
I think i need to come up with a system to store my parts better and do a better job of keeping it clean!

I think i need to come up with a system to store my parts better and do a better job of keeping it clean!
