Just wanted to let people know about a Iron Butt ride starting in Ohio on June 17th. It is a 1500 BunBurner (1500 miles in 36 hours) being put together to break the Iron Butt Association record of 42 riders. It will also benefit the make a Wish Foundation, each rider required to get at least one sponsor. If you are interested you can find more information at the Iron butt website, www.ironbutt.com under their event calender. Its called Hoagys BunBurner Special Wish Run, http://www.ironbutt.com/eventCal/hoagyRun.cfm
Let me know if your interested ,it would be great to meet up and do the ride with a fellow xsive.
Let me know if your interested ,it would be great to meet up and do the ride with a fellow xsive.