It was so sunny and warm the other day, I broke out the old 79 11 sf and took it for a not so leagal rip. About half way to work it started shutting off and on as I zipped along. I would get power if jiggled the fuse box a little. After pulling over twice I was sure I'd get stopped by a cop, but I didn't. When I got to work I found out the blade fuse was all rusty. No troble. Quick fix.
Anyway, it was a blast to be back on the eleven after about a year of being kicked around by life and not riding. The xs850 is great on the highway but doesn't have the snap of the 11. Why does it seem like the 850 is working less and rolling easyer down the highway than the 11?
I'm getting back to my projects now and I'm going to rob parts from the 79 SF. I'll have a titled frame with one of the strongest running motors I've had in it to spare. It leaks a little drip of oil from the crank. I know I'll never fix it and wouldn't build a project around a leaking engine.
It would be nice to help out one of you guys with title problems. I'd take offers, and sell it for a little. It's a complete bike right now, you could run it to check it out.
Here it is setting in the field I pulled it out of. The tires had both sunk way down. Believe it or not I was putting around the yard in one afternoon of work.

I used alot of the parts I had around to make it roadable and ran it to work for a season. I'd like my parts back now. It's just going to get kicked around after I take it apart. This is what it looks like now, but I need most of it.
Anyway, it was a blast to be back on the eleven after about a year of being kicked around by life and not riding. The xs850 is great on the highway but doesn't have the snap of the 11. Why does it seem like the 850 is working less and rolling easyer down the highway than the 11?
I'm getting back to my projects now and I'm going to rob parts from the 79 SF. I'll have a titled frame with one of the strongest running motors I've had in it to spare. It leaks a little drip of oil from the crank. I know I'll never fix it and wouldn't build a project around a leaking engine.
It would be nice to help out one of you guys with title problems. I'd take offers, and sell it for a little. It's a complete bike right now, you could run it to check it out.
Here it is setting in the field I pulled it out of. The tires had both sunk way down. Believe it or not I was putting around the yard in one afternoon of work.

I used alot of the parts I had around to make it roadable and ran it to work for a season. I'd like my parts back now. It's just going to get kicked around after I take it apart. This is what it looks like now, but I need most of it.
