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Ontario Insurance Take2

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  • Ontario Insurance Take2

    Well it's that time of year again. Time to call mastercard and ask for more credit you have to renew your bike insurance. No, no you can't go with a normal insurance company becuase you have a clean record and training that bike's engine obviously makes it a sports bike. Let me get the broker who handles high risk peopple such as you who has no tickets of any kind on his record. Oh didn't you read the paper? Your insurance will be at least 30% higher this year. No you can't make payments, no discount for no claims in 15 years, no no no. Just give us your credit card number and shut up.
    1979 XS1100 - "Blue Belle"

  • #2
    I just bought insurance for my two bikes yesterday. ($94.40 a year for liability(100k, 300k, 50k) covering both bikes)
    Bill Murrin
    Nashville, TN
    1981 XS1100SH "Kick in the Ass"
    1981 XS650SH "Numb in the Ass"
    2005 DL1000 V-Strom "WOW"
    2005 FJR1300 Newest ride
    1993 ST1100 "For Sale $2,700" (Sold)
    2005 Ninja 250 For Sale $2,000 1100 miles


    • #3
      Bike Insurance

      Hey Tiny I read somewhere Ont. insurance is NoFault? If this is the case the nut pays the as the good guy, right? Jevco sold Ins. in N.B. for years until this year . I got a quote from my agent ,$550. for P.L.& P.D on my car policy. Called Primmum Inc. out of Quebec, $189.00 P.L.&P.D. on 84 XJ for a year . Check it out www.primmum. com. Good Luck bkr Sorry about leaving SAME out ,just got up.


      • #4
        Insurance $

        This insurance thing on M/C's is getting to be a real rip off. Here in BC we do not have any choice on insurance companies or agents. We must deal with ICBC. (Insurance Corporation of British Columbia)
        I get what is known as a Road Star Gold discounts. Yuk Yuk
        Accident free since Fen. 1961
        No points in over 20 years
        Buying the bare minimum of liability ins. $250,000.00
        XS11 - $594.00
        FT500 (a 500 single) - $510.00
        Just have never been able to figure out how to fight back short of not even owning things. They have us by the short ones.
        78E Ratbyk
        82 FT500 "lilRat"


        • #5

          Click on bkrs note and check out Primmum ins we are in NB and buying our ins for less than half of yours from a company in Ontario, so i dont know why you couldnt......MITCH
          Doug Mitchell
          82 XJ1100 sold
          2006 Suzuki C90 SE 1500 CC Cruiser sold
          2007 Stratoliner 1900 sold
          1999 Honda Valkyrie interstate
          47 years riding and still learning, does that make me a slow learner?


          • #6
            In BC, there are no options for the basic liability insurance. Everybody must buy it from the government's Crown Corporation. We can go to other companies for collision or comprehensive insurance if we have any $$ left after buying PLPD. As the other Ken so aptly put it, they've got us ....
            Ken Talbot


            • #7
              Maybe that's how the government pays for the free health care coverage. They think all bike riders are stupid, wheelie riding teenagers, who are going to crash, and end up costing thousands of dollars to get patched up. Never mind the older more sensible crowd like us. Sorry to hear about the 'hosin' guys.


              • #8
                Thanks I'll check out the links and call them on Monday.

                I'd take the $590 a year, they are working on my quote now and it's going to be over $1600. No accidents or tickets in 15 years. My car insurace is $630 a year. (ARGH!)
                1979 XS1100 - "Blue Belle"


                • #9
                  Bike Insurance

                  Ken Talbot, you being more computer literate then me, I have a request, suggestion an idea. Would you start a thread/survey on insurance rates among our 1500 members?
                  What each of us have to pay for basic insurance in each area of the continent that we live in and share. Basic liability insurance costs. That along with an admission of our driving record. Like accident free for ? many years. Point accumulation over ? many years.
                  I know we will never get the various insurance agencies/companies to roll anything back but we may be able to slow down their rate of increases.
                  If we could compile a realistic true rip off that they are doing to some of us we might have some ammunition to start the fight.
                  If we also took our findings and sent them off to; Cycle Canada, Canadian Biker.Cycle World, and various other cycle publications plus the Canadian M/C Manufacturers Ass. the AMA, CMA etc. Suggest to the various publications that they have one of their crack reporters delve into this whole rip off mess and write articles on it, we may start to have enough noise to cause something.
                  They treat motorcycles like smokers. A minority with low power. A group that is socially unpopular with the majority of the population. The ins. co. could not get away with what they are doing except that we are a rather disorganized spread out minority.
                  Lets start a fight a back. It is getting out of hand.
                  78E Ratbyk
                  82 FT500 "lilRat"


                  • #10

                    holy mackeral you guys north of the border are getting bamboozled. i just got a quote on basic liability for my xj this past week here in indianapolis, the damage was only $58.00 for the enite year. I guess in ya'lls case this old joke has some merritt.

                    what do you call 1000 insurance agents chained to the bottom of the ocean?

                    a good start!


                    • #11

                      Hey ratbyk, You sure have some good ideas. Maybe we could get a Big group of XS Bros. together and visit Mr. Martin in Ottawa to let him know how P O. we are . You sure sound like it. And we all should be. bkr


                      • #12
                        Its in the 700$ (US) numbers here.... no bonus and crap. With bonus crap (5% per year w/o accident that you caused, 15% up if you did) at 50%, its 400$... including all the fees and crap.
                        I'll try to get an oldtimer certificate (can you believe it), 90% bonus, 200$ with fees and crap.... and another 100+ for the certificate.

                        If it doesn't have an engine, it's not a sport, it's only a game.
                        (stole that one from I-dont-know-who)


                        • #13
                          I have been with Jevco for the past 3 years but I haven't got my renewal notice with their 2004 rates yet. Last year was $582.00 for my 78 Standard, 1 Mil liability, Ontario.
                          I just got off the phone with Primmum.
                          They quoted me $766.00 for this year. The agent said their rates are up approx 40% over 2003 and when I expressed my distaste with that fact, she started into a dissertation about how the increases are completely justified! Give me a break!
                          A news item from this morning reported 2003 insurance industry profits in Canada.
                          2002 net profit $340 million
                          2003 net profit $2.63 billion....Billion...With a "B" illion.

                          I agree with Ken. It's time to fight back. I'm starting by writing to the leader of the Liberal government in Ontario; who, in September 2003, announced that he was freezing auto insurance rates. One newscast reported that there are families that have to make a choice whether to buy food for their kids or auto insurance! This has gone way too far.


                          • #14

                            dntemp_ca Your rate with Jevco was 3 times more than mine when they sold ins. in N.B. on 84 XJ pl& pd. No Fault has driven up rates in Ont. We don`t have it here yet. Cycle Canada has an article on page 9 about this very subject . March issue. Anyone wanting to bitch in Canada can E-mail We should let this guy know we still VOTE, and are PO. I they don't know we are pissed nothing will change except more increases. Now i feel better. bkr


                            • #15
                              I've written letter to everyone I can think of, I've made an apt to discuss this with my MPP and there's nothing that can be done. I get the same old line from everyone. By the time you take Car, Bike, Home, Business, Business Mal Practice and total them all I work almost 5 months of the year for NOTHING else but insurance!! I'm dropping most of my business insurance except for the basic, and am seriously thinking about re-winterizing the bike and tucking it into a cornor. By the time I pay the insurance I"m not saving money on gas and it's just for fun. <shrug> Hard choice this year I tell ya.
                              1979 XS1100 - "Blue Belle"

