Well it all depends on how much money you are willing to spend. By chance I had some Henri Lloyd foul weather gear from sailing lying around. I took it on my trip to NYC a while back and it saved the day by chance. Not only is this stuff rugged (designed for offshore sailing) it is waterproof and windproof. The name of the game for cold weather riding is blocking the wind. If it is cold out, throw it on over your riding jacket. If its wet out, throw it on. Works great. The ends of the arms and legs have Velcro to stop cold air from seeping in. If you purchase a smock and salopette, they overlap and stop just about anything from getting inside. This brings up the only disadvantage besides the extra min it takes to dawn these garments. What goes in must come out. It can be difficult when you need to relieve yourself. There are a lot of zippers layers to pull off. For me, I don't care about the price. You buy them once and they last a very long time. I rode for three hours in cold heavy downpour near Pensacola, FL with no windshield or fairing. My boots and gloves were soaked but most everything stayed very warm and dry. The Henri Lloyd brand is internationally accepted as one of the highest quality outfits. Im Miami, I sailed against the Frederik Christian, the Crown Prince of Denmark and he was wearing about the same so it must be good right? I purchased these and sailed in them for four years and have been riding with them now for two. I won't go anywhere distance wise without them.