well after 12 yrs happy ownership
,not so happy these days
. early this spring the cycle sound housing broke. broken housing =broken radio
next thing to go is rear shocks. next thing to go is exhaust
.broke clean in half at both mufflers on way to work. thank god guy at work is good welder. have been reading on here horror stories about ccts going bad, mine is still oe with 44k on it. now i'm getting noise at front of engine.kind of slapping sound. to afraid to tear into it for fear of something going bad. also getting some valve train noise . and also runs rough on cold starts only. and top all this off trying to buy new house. sorry for rant. just contemplating selling getting something different.parts getting to exspensive for this thing . had to replace exhaust 6yrs with xj because original exhaust broke at mufflers.other than all this has been excellent bike. no parts available around here.both used shops went out of bussiness.
