I'd just like to officially introduce myself. My name is Tyson and I live in Southern Idaho. I had been casually looking for a bike to turn in to a Cafe and I just never really found what I was looking for, then a buddy of mine sent me a photo of a bike at a pawn shop/used car lot and I knew I had to have it. The picture he sent me was of a 1981 XS1100LH Midnight Special. I had the money in the bank, but had to convince the wife that the bike was a good idea. Took me close to a week to convince her and I thought for sure it would be gone. I drove to the lot and didn't see it outside. I was disappointed, but I went inside anyway just to see what it ended up going for. The guy working the counter told me they still had it and that it was on consignment but they didn't put it out because it was Saturday and they close early. He took me to the back and I instantly knew this was the bike for me. I started it up and took it for a test ride. When I got back, I haggled a little and ended up getting the bike for $800. I immediately decided that the bike was "special" just the way it is and have thrown out my plans to convert it to a cafe. Maybe later I'll find a standard "11" and finish my plans to make a cafe. For now, I am quite content with my Midnight Special. This site has been an awesome resource and I thank everyone in advance for sharing their knowledge.

It has a 4-1 header and a disgusting shorty muffler that needs to go away (I've made a slip-on side dump, just need to powder coat it). A lot of the Gold Chrome has faded, but other than the exhaust, the recovered seat, and having the side covers painted all black, she's stock. Ohh, and I bought it with 28,700 miles and in just about 7 weeks of owning the bike I have it up to 31,200 miles already. Only issue I've had is between 5000 and 6000 rpms it studders. I have run some Seafoam through the gas and it has helped quite a lot. I'm planning on cleaning/rebuilding the carbs when it gets too cold to ride.

It has a 4-1 header and a disgusting shorty muffler that needs to go away (I've made a slip-on side dump, just need to powder coat it). A lot of the Gold Chrome has faded, but other than the exhaust, the recovered seat, and having the side covers painted all black, she's stock. Ohh, and I bought it with 28,700 miles and in just about 7 weeks of owning the bike I have it up to 31,200 miles already. Only issue I've had is between 5000 and 6000 rpms it studders. I have run some Seafoam through the gas and it has helped quite a lot. I'm planning on cleaning/rebuilding the carbs when it gets too cold to ride.