Thanks for your time Steve and congratulations. I was thinking you were a pretty together dude until all this Harley talk started. 
My buddy just got a lowrider and made it about 50 miles before he broke the primary belt. When we got it out and looked at it, it looked new other than the broken part. I said how did you do it? He said I was driving it like I used to drive the Yamaha.

Between going to Ohio to pick the thing up and then scooping it up again the other day it's getting alot more rides in the van then on the road. All kidding aside, it's a nice bike.........for him. I like the xs.

My buddy just got a lowrider and made it about 50 miles before he broke the primary belt. When we got it out and looked at it, it looked new other than the broken part. I said how did you do it? He said I was driving it like I used to drive the Yamaha.

Between going to Ohio to pick the thing up and then scooping it up again the other day it's getting alot more rides in the van then on the road. All kidding aside, it's a nice bike.........for him. I like the xs.