Late yesterday afternoon she went out for a practice ride, and managed to go down on a gentle curve. The bad injury is her left knee; she opened that up all the way across to the bone. The rest were the usual road rash scrapes.
Her boyfriend was following her in a car, and said she was doing fine until all of a sudden she was down. I talked to her very briefly before the ambulance took her away and she said 'the handlebars started wobbling'; sounds like she had a tank-slapper. The only thing I can figure is she still didn't get the 'steering' vs 'leaning' thing and tried 'steering' at 40 mph. She had just finished the MSF course, but failed the riding test because of the 'steering' issue; the instructor told her she needed to practice that... oops. They were getting ready to do surgery on her knee last last night was the last I heard.
The bike didn't fare much better; I rode it back to their house, but I suspect it will cost about half as much to fix it as it's worth. Cleaned off the front lights (both turns and the headlight), the mini-fairing, both mirrors, beat the speedo up pretty good, sheared off the shifter, scuffed up the plastic tank cover and front fender, and the forks are badly mis-aligned, possibly bent. To it's credit, it did start right up, and after we put some vice-grips on the shifter shaft nub and found 2nd gear, it rode fine. Given the damage to the bike, her injuries could have been much worse.
She'll have a fairly long recovery time (BTDT), so we'll see if she still wants to 'get on the horse'; I suspect not...