I know the nation donates a day, but i think at least a month of remembrance is deserving!
I think one of the saddest things to me is how so many American's are going to enjoy this holiday for themselves...they will dedicate the day to our Past and Present Lost Heroes, while indulging themselves with binging, and partying and all sorts of hoopla, and while they do this they will use these heroes to satisfy themselves with booze and drugs and anything that will make themselves feel good, but how many will visit the headstone of a Marine, Sailor, Airman or Soldier who put these fool hardy citizens and their freedoms ahead of themselves, who paid the ultimate sacrifice so these citizens can enjoy the freedoms of partying and binging and all sorts of hoopla... how many protesters will put down their signs to visit a war heroes parents or widow or child left behind, to comfort them in their sorrow. No, many will pick up bigger signs and scream in front of the white house or yell at their congress man and use these Courageous men and women who gave up everything for the assurance that "home" will remain free in order to self serve their cause. The picketers will use their names to utter obscenities at the leaders of our military for putting our men and woman in harms way, when in reality these men and woman gave their lives freely to keep our home exactly that "OUR HOME"... So for those of you who read my message please, please, please celebrate our lost heroes and the lives that keep us free. Go take flowers to a Mother, a widow, or a child who's son, or husband/wife, daddy or mommy gave up everything to keep you free and let them know you appreciate every bit that their Hero has done for you! Thank them for your freedom, give them a giant hug and say thank you! Because without them you really don't know where you'd be. I'm going to thank them because even though I'm willing, I thank them because it wasn't me...I'm sorry for their suffering and I'm glad my wife and kids don't have to bear the pain that they do, but by GOD I'LL BE DAMNED IF I DON'T THANK THEM FOR TAKING THE PAIN THAT MY FAMILY DOESN'T BEAR...They are just as brave as their Son/Daughter, husband/wife, Daddy/Mommy was in that moment that the hero paid for our freedom! If you have ever served, currently serve Thank you for being willing! and for you who have lost your hero, I am truly thankful for you and the pain u carry for me and my family...If you ever need anything I will do everything i possibly can! God Bless you! God Bless our Heroes and their families left behind, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
I think one of the saddest things to me is how so many American's are going to enjoy this holiday for themselves...they will dedicate the day to our Past and Present Lost Heroes, while indulging themselves with binging, and partying and all sorts of hoopla, and while they do this they will use these heroes to satisfy themselves with booze and drugs and anything that will make themselves feel good, but how many will visit the headstone of a Marine, Sailor, Airman or Soldier who put these fool hardy citizens and their freedoms ahead of themselves, who paid the ultimate sacrifice so these citizens can enjoy the freedoms of partying and binging and all sorts of hoopla... how many protesters will put down their signs to visit a war heroes parents or widow or child left behind, to comfort them in their sorrow. No, many will pick up bigger signs and scream in front of the white house or yell at their congress man and use these Courageous men and women who gave up everything for the assurance that "home" will remain free in order to self serve their cause. The picketers will use their names to utter obscenities at the leaders of our military for putting our men and woman in harms way, when in reality these men and woman gave their lives freely to keep our home exactly that "OUR HOME"... So for those of you who read my message please, please, please celebrate our lost heroes and the lives that keep us free. Go take flowers to a Mother, a widow, or a child who's son, or husband/wife, daddy or mommy gave up everything to keep you free and let them know you appreciate every bit that their Hero has done for you! Thank them for your freedom, give them a giant hug and say thank you! Because without them you really don't know where you'd be. I'm going to thank them because even though I'm willing, I thank them because it wasn't me...I'm sorry for their suffering and I'm glad my wife and kids don't have to bear the pain that they do, but by GOD I'LL BE DAMNED IF I DON'T THANK THEM FOR TAKING THE PAIN THAT MY FAMILY DOESN'T BEAR...They are just as brave as their Son/Daughter, husband/wife, Daddy/Mommy was in that moment that the hero paid for our freedom! If you have ever served, currently serve Thank you for being willing! and for you who have lost your hero, I am truly thankful for you and the pain u carry for me and my family...If you ever need anything I will do everything i possibly can! God Bless you! God Bless our Heroes and their families left behind, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
