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Whos got the XS/XJ Banner?

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  • Whos got the XS/XJ Banner?

    Unless its already spoken for, would be nice to have it for the 2011 M.O.M. Rally. I suspect it will be the weekend of June 11th. but the poll hasn't closed yet. It WILL be in June though.
    When a 10 isn't enough, get a 11. 80g Hardbagger

  • #2 I think.
    79 XS11 Special (Lazarus)
    80 XS850 Special (Old Faithful)
    80 XS11 Standard sorta stock (Beatrice)
    79 DT 100


    • #3
      I have the New Xs/Xj banner that was use in all the Lost rallies. My ride is may 13-15th. I have no clue where the old banner is or went to. If you read through the sticky you might be able to track it or wait for someone more knowledgeable than I.
      68 Honda Cl350 (sold)
      76 Honda Cb 400 super sport
      79 special (skull bike)
      79 special (parts bike w/title)
      79 special
      80 standard full dress (Sat 24 years)
      81 special (parts for now trying to get the title)
      81 kaw 750 ltd (sold to brother-in-law)
      80 650 maxim (fixing for wife)
      81 650 maxim
      81 Xs 650 special ( No title found in a barn)
      88 Zx 600r (Sold)
      01 Gz 250

