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Cyclist dies after being dragged by truck
Happy thoughts
I prefer to keep happy thoughts in my head, and not think about people who are stupid (or crazy) enough to do stuff like that.
Big truck little motorcycle I'm not playing I'm getting out of the way.....Madness comes from within.
78 XS 1100 E (at Birth) "Madness"
79 XS1100 parts bike "hunk of junk"
83 Sportster "Lunacy"
72 Shovel "Dark Shovel"
Ummm...guy on bike runs stop light, gets mad cause a truck is turning onto HIS street (if he had stopped the truck would have been gone when he got there) so he turns around and starts chasing the truck and then clips the truck tring to cut infront of him and gets run over?If the facts are correct, I am glad this guy is off the streets, not glad he died, just glad I won't ever have to deal with him.
Gary Granger
Remember, we are the caretakers of mechanical art.
2013 Suzuki DR650SE, 2009 Kawasaki Concours 1400, 2003 Aprilia RSV Mille Tuono
I know you shouldn't speak ill of the dead, but sheesh, what a moron!! Guys like this (along with the crotch-rocket punks) are why bikers get a bad rap.
I'd say it's no big loss. At least he didn't take anyone else with him. That's what I hate to see.
John82 XJ1100J
Logansport, IN