SWMBO wrecked our van:
a story which I will expand upon later, but in the meantime, I'm on the road again!
With the van totaled and the Blue Goose ('80 something Volvo wagon clunker,) down with an electrical grimlin, we are in a transpo crunch. SWMBO insisted, forced me against me will and better judgment to register my '79 XSFS and renew the insurance. She must be obeyed so what could I do?
Only problem is the frozen front brake from sitting so long, but that is almost taken care of.. I will probably be back on the road by the time you read this.
I hate to rub it in, but we have been having absolutely marvelous springlike weather here on the central coast of Cantafordia: 65 degrees, clear sky's,,, except for the lovely chemtrails!
Ah, how sweet it is!
Special Ed

I hate to rub it in, but we have been having absolutely marvelous springlike weather here on the central coast of Cantafordia: 65 degrees, clear sky's,,, except for the lovely chemtrails!

Ah, how sweet it is!

Special Ed