Ok, there rest is not bike related, but.... the thing about "red-neck fixes"/ field expedients, etc, is.... sure, they're great to make fun of, but should one ever find themselves in a similar situation, it's nice to have stored in the back of your mind just how other people managed to fix their immediate problems.
Story #1: Long ago... back when Christ was a bunker guard... I was stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga. On weekends, several buddies and I would hop in my old Camaro and go tear-assing through the training areas, zooming down the "tank trails". Ran over a stump one day and ripped my gas tank open. Luckily, I had a empty plastic gas can in the trunk in which to catch the gas as it came streaming out of the ruptured tank.
Using the windshield washer fluid hoses, I spliced into the rubber fuel line at the "in-line filter. (outer dia. of the wiper hose fit into inner dia. of the fuel line) With the gas can held in place by strapping it to a wiper blade with boot laces, I got a siphon going, gravity-fed the carb and managed to crawl back to the barracks.
Story #2: I had just finished moving my soon to be ex-wife into an apartment. As I was pulling out of the parking lot, the drive shaft on my old 4x4 Blazer snapped in half. Thought about it for a few minutes... then walked into her apt. and started rummaging through her boxes of kitchen stuff.
Went back out to my truck, removed the broken drive shaft, duct taped one of her plastic drinking cups over the output shaft housing of the transfer case (so that tranny fluid wouldn't pour everywhere) and drove home after engaging the front axle.
Story #3: Am currently doing some re-landscaping and last week needed to move the hot tub from one side of the back yard to the other. Filled 10 2-liter soda bottles with water, froze them and used them as rollers. (just like the Egyptians did building the pyramids, I think)

My brother, Sluggo, demonstrating the safe, "no-splash" way to deep fry a turkey. (He also has, in his kitchen, a pepper grinder attached to a cordless drill)

Ya know... there's a site for stuff like this called, "There, I fixed it".