Apparently i cant joke here or have discussions in topics about topics or on topics or sideline about topics.
Appears, being new here, that anything remotely opinionated is starting a fight or hurting someones feelings.
Appears that i dont CONFORM to the mould.
I am not a robot and think for myself, i also say what i think. If you get butthurt over it, to bad.
Yes, im rough and ragged. Sorry ya'll that im a square peg in your round hole.
Never have i seen such policing and editing of what free people can say.
I feel this is close to communism. Sorry again but wow.
Every time i turn around in here its "Dont say that, you hurt theyre feelings, DON'T GO OFF TOPIC EVEN A LITTLE BIT, Do as your told, Obey the rules or you will be punished."
C'mon people. Pull that wedgy out and relax some. It really wont kill you.
But with that said, fine, Ban me. Tell me to F**k off.
I'll leave peacefully if thats what you want.
Gawd damn.
In fact, just delete me. Its really no fun here if its gotta be like that.
Appears, being new here, that anything remotely opinionated is starting a fight or hurting someones feelings.
Appears that i dont CONFORM to the mould.
I am not a robot and think for myself, i also say what i think. If you get butthurt over it, to bad.
Yes, im rough and ragged. Sorry ya'll that im a square peg in your round hole.
Never have i seen such policing and editing of what free people can say.
I feel this is close to communism. Sorry again but wow.
Every time i turn around in here its "Dont say that, you hurt theyre feelings, DON'T GO OFF TOPIC EVEN A LITTLE BIT, Do as your told, Obey the rules or you will be punished."
C'mon people. Pull that wedgy out and relax some. It really wont kill you.
But with that said, fine, Ban me. Tell me to F**k off.
I'll leave peacefully if thats what you want.
Gawd damn.
In fact, just delete me. Its really no fun here if its gotta be like that.
