I'm still shaking a bit, but had to talk about his.
On the way to work this morning, came up to my usual light where I make my stop to pick up my morning beverage and breakfast (AM/PM/Arco) and the light in the turn lane had just turned red. I was behind a big rig, and as usual I left a good 6 feet between me and him. Apparently when the light changed, he couldn't stop behind the stop line, so rather than be smart and continue through the light, the idiot decides to back up!

Now, there are 4 or 5 vehicles behind him, with me being the first. Apparently he had no backup alarm on his truck, as it started moving back toward us with nothing to warn us first. We are all honking our horns, as he obviously can't see us (of course I was backpedaling as fast as I could, and the SUV behind me was backing up too) and just keeps coming. The fool backed up about 20 feet, and he got real close to my front tire (I was going as fast as I could
, but he was moving faster 
(BTW, it was a downhill slope to the light as well), it was a VERY GOOD thing that I had left lots of room). I'm not sure the fool ever saw or heard any of us behind him.
He didn't even have one of those "call us" stickers on the back of the trailer (if he had, I would have followed till I could get it memorized and I WOULD have called it in.)
I have no tolerance for a fool driving a vehicle that he KNOWS he can't see anything behind him, and overrun a red light, and then back up, KNOWING HE CAN'T SEE ANYBODY BEHIND HIM!!!!!! Guys like that should lose their CDL on the first offense. I guess the search for REALLY REALLY LOUD air horns is on.
It also made me wish for a reverse gear like a wing.
Ahh, man, I'm still shaking. That was probably the scariest situation I have been in for at least the last 35 years. If that bumper thing on the back of the trailer had touched my front tire, I would have been trapped, and there would have been nothing I could have done to get off or out of the way.
Sorry to rant on like this. I try to stay as far away from rigs like this as I can, but sometimes there is practically nothing you can do about it. Your totally at the mercy of the truck driver.
Thanks for listening, it helped (I think).
On the way to work this morning, came up to my usual light where I make my stop to pick up my morning beverage and breakfast (AM/PM/Arco) and the light in the turn lane had just turned red. I was behind a big rig, and as usual I left a good 6 feet between me and him. Apparently when the light changed, he couldn't stop behind the stop line, so rather than be smart and continue through the light, the idiot decides to back up!

He didn't even have one of those "call us" stickers on the back of the trailer (if he had, I would have followed till I could get it memorized and I WOULD have called it in.)
I have no tolerance for a fool driving a vehicle that he KNOWS he can't see anything behind him, and overrun a red light, and then back up, KNOWING HE CAN'T SEE ANYBODY BEHIND HIM!!!!!! Guys like that should lose their CDL on the first offense. I guess the search for REALLY REALLY LOUD air horns is on.
It also made me wish for a reverse gear like a wing.
Ahh, man, I'm still shaking. That was probably the scariest situation I have been in for at least the last 35 years. If that bumper thing on the back of the trailer had touched my front tire, I would have been trapped, and there would have been nothing I could have done to get off or out of the way.
Sorry to rant on like this. I try to stay as far away from rigs like this as I can, but sometimes there is practically nothing you can do about it. Your totally at the mercy of the truck driver.
Thanks for listening, it helped (I think).