Hey, Gang...
I've been wanting to score a good second windshield for a while now to fit my Vetter 4 faring that I could cut down to make a nice, shorter one for the summer. That way, I can swap between the two depending on the seasons.
A couple of weeks ago, Elevenator & I made a run up to Kansas City to see our buddy Bohn Fraser. I was honored to be one of the few to be invited into the inner sanctum of Bohn's awesome 'mancave' he's constructed. It's definitely a great place to hang & work on bikes. It even has it's own little office, complete w/ a full bathroom & shower! Phone, PC, TV, heated, tools, plenty of room for all the bikes, cars, & the boats... the works! A real man's hangout...
We stayed over for the night, and I also was priveliged w/ the honor of going over to Bob Jones's place. Bohn phoned Karla for permission to show me his workshop, and possibly find a few goodies to purchase. Karla was very kind, and said "sure", even though she wasn't home at the time.
While we were there, I got to see in person the famous 11 drivetrain he's constructed in the stand that I've seen so many times pictured here before, and it was cool! What a collection of 11's that still remain there. Definitely named right... XS11 Heaven.
I found just what I was looking for; a Vetter windshield, complete w/ pop out vents, and tinted, too! After a quick phone call to Karla, the deal was made, Bohn was paid, and the windshield removed and ready to head to it's new home. Bohn & I wrapped it securely in a couple of towels and taped it up, and I bungeed it to my trunk... off we went. Made the trip home just fine.
I taped off the curve I wanted, cut it w/ my trusty jig saw, then wet sanded w/ 400 grit by hand for the next few days, a little here & there... usually as I watched TV. Then I bought a polishing kit for $8 at O'Rielly's, and spent most of today polishing the scratches. I also had ordered a new seal kit from the Vetters.
Here's a few pics of how it's turned out. I now can see well over it, unlike before when I had to look through it. I may add a curved lip to the top to help the passenger w/ wind buffeting eventually...

So now, my XJ is honored to have one of it's parts from the Bob Jones stash.
Karla & Bohn, if you guys see this, hope you like the way it's turned out as much as I do. Thanks!
I've been wanting to score a good second windshield for a while now to fit my Vetter 4 faring that I could cut down to make a nice, shorter one for the summer. That way, I can swap between the two depending on the seasons.
A couple of weeks ago, Elevenator & I made a run up to Kansas City to see our buddy Bohn Fraser. I was honored to be one of the few to be invited into the inner sanctum of Bohn's awesome 'mancave' he's constructed. It's definitely a great place to hang & work on bikes. It even has it's own little office, complete w/ a full bathroom & shower! Phone, PC, TV, heated, tools, plenty of room for all the bikes, cars, & the boats... the works! A real man's hangout...
We stayed over for the night, and I also was priveliged w/ the honor of going over to Bob Jones's place. Bohn phoned Karla for permission to show me his workshop, and possibly find a few goodies to purchase. Karla was very kind, and said "sure", even though she wasn't home at the time.
While we were there, I got to see in person the famous 11 drivetrain he's constructed in the stand that I've seen so many times pictured here before, and it was cool! What a collection of 11's that still remain there. Definitely named right... XS11 Heaven.
I found just what I was looking for; a Vetter windshield, complete w/ pop out vents, and tinted, too! After a quick phone call to Karla, the deal was made, Bohn was paid, and the windshield removed and ready to head to it's new home. Bohn & I wrapped it securely in a couple of towels and taped it up, and I bungeed it to my trunk... off we went. Made the trip home just fine.
I taped off the curve I wanted, cut it w/ my trusty jig saw, then wet sanded w/ 400 grit by hand for the next few days, a little here & there... usually as I watched TV. Then I bought a polishing kit for $8 at O'Rielly's, and spent most of today polishing the scratches. I also had ordered a new seal kit from the Vetters.
Here's a few pics of how it's turned out. I now can see well over it, unlike before when I had to look through it. I may add a curved lip to the top to help the passenger w/ wind buffeting eventually...

So now, my XJ is honored to have one of it's parts from the Bob Jones stash.
Karla & Bohn, if you guys see this, hope you like the way it's turned out as much as I do. Thanks!
