I have, after years of hints, leaving advertising cutouts laying around, veering conversations around to Flamingos, I have finally obtained permission (actually wore down) from SWMBO to put a couple (They breed you know) of plastic pink Flamingos in the back yard. She thinks I will put them behind the 10X10 garden shed I built last fall(HA!). So, the local farm store called Rural King has a pair on sale for $7.99us. I must go and look at them this afternoon because I don't want the wussy little 12" or even 18", no, I am going hole hog and am looking for a minimum of 24". Now comes the rub, I don't have enough money to buy more than the pair from Rural King. But, if you wonderful people have any Pink Flamingos just laying around, not being apreciated for thier beauty and wonder, could you find it in your heart to contact me and just maybe we could strike a deal that wouldn't cost an arm or a XS11 part. Remember, this is not a test, this is the real thing!!!!!
Ole "pink" Jack
Notice: no pink flamingos were hurt, harassed, or damaged in the making of this ad!
Ole "pink" Jack
Notice: no pink flamingos were hurt, harassed, or damaged in the making of this ad!