I am having a bit of trouble with the size of the webpages. My normal display setting is 800 x 600. I had to change to 1024 x 768 to prevent scrolling right and left. I have some trouble reading everything even after enlarging the text size. I suppose I'll have to monkey with windows settings some more.
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impressions of new forum
display size
Skids, consider video capabilites that equate to more than
20 ft/lbs of mc torque.
Running 1600x1200 here, on dual 17" monitors.
Whenever I'm stuck using 800x600, I feel like I'm in a
Ford Pinto, or an xs running on 2 cyl, or.... in an evil
version of the 'way back machine'Mike * Seattle * 82 F'n'XJ1100 *
Dual monitors? One for each eye? I do consider updating after I consider my equipment is no longer useful. You are talking to a guy that owns 3 bikes that are over 20 years old. :-)Skids (Sid Hansen)
Down to one 1978 E. Stock air box with K&N filter, 81H pipes and carbs, 8500 feet elevation.
I had the same problem, I needed to reduce the font size on my browser. Now everthing displays OK.
GaryGary Granger
Remember, we are the caretakers of mechanical art.
2013 Suzuki DR650SE, 2009 Kawasaki Concours 1400, 2003 Aprilia RSV Mille Tuono
I also find it painfully slow to load the pages, and I have DSL at home and a T1 at work. Maybe moving to IE as suggested elsewhere will help?Dave Hogue
1978 XS1100E "Sticky Fingers" (down, but not out)
1986 Honda Shadow VT1100C "Phacops" (the everyday ride)
1982 Honda CB750 Custom (the toy)
Kennesaw, GA
updated November 22, 2001
Dave Hogue wrote:I also find it painfully slow to load the pages, and I have DSL at home and a T1 at work. Maybe moving to IE as suggested elsewhere will help?Granted, I'm using an old version (4.5) which may further complicate things. Given Chris' suggestion, I'll give Opera a shot and see if that's any better.
BillBill K.
1985 Yamaha XJ700 Maxim
1986 Yamaha FZX700 Fazer
I am using Netscape 4.76, and until now, have been happy with it... no reason not to try out all of the options... I'll give it a try as well.Dave Hogue
1978 XS1100E "Sticky Fingers" (down, but not out)
1986 Honda Shadow VT1100C "Phacops" (the everyday ride)
1982 Honda CB750 Custom (the toy)
Kennesaw, GA
updated November 22, 2001
Dear JP and others,
I, too, run my display at 800x600 on a 17"monitor, being over 40, I like my fonts a little larger than microscopic!! So....I scroll to the right, this eliminates the left column of links.
Question, how difficult would it be to add a LOGOUT link in other than the HOME view of the forum??? Now, just when I started this post I see a LOGOUT link next to my name in this POST Reply window, but haven't seen it on the other pages aside from the Forum HOME page!?!?
4th post, 1 to go.
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
Originally posted by TopCatGr58
Question, how difficult would it be to add a LOGOUT link in other than the HOME view of the forum??? Now, just when I started this post I see a LOGOUT link next to my name in this POST Reply window, but haven't seen it on the other pages aside from the Forum HOME page!?!?
Explain why it would be beneficial to have such a feature. (Gary and Bill will tell you that if you can come up with a compelling reason, I can be persuaded.)
Originally posted by JP
Quick answer, it would take some research and some work.
Explain why it would be beneficial to have such a feature. (Gary and Bill will tell you that if you can come up with a compelling reason, I can be persuaded.)
Thanks for reading/replying.
PS. This is 5th post, so should now be an Xsive!?T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
Hey there Bill,
That's an awsome AVATAR, didn't know it(Forum) would accept animated gifs!?!?! Hmmmmmm, now what can I do with that!??
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
Originally posted by TopCatGr58
Well J.P., I don't know how many other readers might leave the web page/forum without remembering to logout after reading the "last post" they wanted to read?? Not sure what problems that will cause for either the reader, or the forum if folks don't log out when they leave the forum??
To be honest, I don't know why there's a [logout] link in the reply to topic screen unless, like I said, you have 2 people using the same computer and you see that it's not *you* posting.