happened upon this community searching for information pertaining to BS34 carbs.
i have a set i just installed on my 78 toyota corolla wagon.
i was hoping to learn a bit more about these carburetors.
here's what they look like on my custom manifold:

-tapped the carb bodies to accommodate .25 npt brass fittings (being that the carbs now sit further a part)
-extended the throttle wheel levers to reach each of the carbs.
-re-jetted. hope to at least get them in the ball park.
here's what happened after installing them and trying to get the car to start:
fuel began to pour out of the smaller orifices of the front of the carbs. all 4 of them. i obviously did something wrong, didn't do enough due diligence, or just royally screwed up. i have been running and tuning dcoe style mikuni sidedraughts for a number of years and was expecting the BS34 carbs to behave similarly. i was obviously mistaken.
is my mechanical fuel pump putting too much out?
is there suppose to be a fuel return from the carbs as well?
i plugged 2 ports (on carbs 2 and 4) believing them to be vacuum ports and maybe i shouldn't have?
i'd be grateful for any insight and an education.
hou, tx
i have a set i just installed on my 78 toyota corolla wagon.
i was hoping to learn a bit more about these carburetors.
here's what they look like on my custom manifold:

-tapped the carb bodies to accommodate .25 npt brass fittings (being that the carbs now sit further a part)
-extended the throttle wheel levers to reach each of the carbs.
-re-jetted. hope to at least get them in the ball park.
here's what happened after installing them and trying to get the car to start:
fuel began to pour out of the smaller orifices of the front of the carbs. all 4 of them. i obviously did something wrong, didn't do enough due diligence, or just royally screwed up. i have been running and tuning dcoe style mikuni sidedraughts for a number of years and was expecting the BS34 carbs to behave similarly. i was obviously mistaken.
is my mechanical fuel pump putting too much out?
is there suppose to be a fuel return from the carbs as well?
i plugged 2 ports (on carbs 2 and 4) believing them to be vacuum ports and maybe i shouldn't have?
i'd be grateful for any insight and an education.
hou, tx