Here are some pics of the mole trap I made. The barrel and hammer are 1 1/2" dia. The frame is 1/2" square. The horizontal part of the frame is bolted to the vertical part w/ 5/16 counter sunk bolt. The square the holds the barrel and hammer is 1" wide. I machined a slot so the hammer slides easily on the frame. The barrel is held in place w/ a 5/16 set screw so it can be raised or lowered. I didn't want to bolt it in place and it be in the wrong spot. The square pieces for the trigger are 1/4". 10-24 threaded rod. It works better if it's keep oiled and that atracts dirt so you have to blow it off w/ compressed air every now and then. The piece I'm touching w/ my finger slides up and down, and sort of pivots side to side you can see. The idea was so one paddle won't trip the hammer by itself. It sort of works that way. It depends on how deep you set the trap in the ground and how high the mole raises the dirt which trips the trigger. Sometimes a mole will trip the hammer w/ one paddle and get away. To over come this problem and make it fool proof you could use one paddle in the middle of a double barrel. Or maybe add some paddle stops so one paddle can't trip the hammer. Any questions ask away. I can take more pics if you need. I know some didn't come out to clear. Enjoy!