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Old Xbox Games...backups?

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  • Old Xbox Games...backups?

    Hey folks,

    Did a search, no Xbox threads, just computer and Wii threads, so started a new one!

    I've got a lifelong friend who's financially strapped....s/p kidney transplant, neck/back surgeries, permanent SSI income, etc.!!!

    I've got an original Xbox machine and about 15 games. I recently acquired an Xbox 360 from my B-I-L when his machine died, and swmbo got him a new one for his Bday. The old 360 had been built with that pathetic leadless solder that melts at much lower temps than regular solder...and with the poor design of the xbox 360, just using the thing causes it to reach temps that MELT the solder and the machine dies! I was able to actually resurrect it by resweating/flowing the joints on the motherboard with a heat gun, taking the thing apart, installing a modified heatsink assembly, and I've since added a TurboCooler fan to the box. I've played it for several hours and it seems to be working flawlessly now.

    So....I'm looking to give my old system to my friend, but many/most of the games I haven't finished or even played them YET! I'm looking for a program that will allow me to make 1(one) archive/backup copy that I can keep and use on my 360, and send the original games with the machine to my friend. I've gotten the compatibility update from Xbox that allows the 360 to be able to play most of the old OEM xbox games/titles.

    So...does anyone have any experience and SUCCESS with any program that would allow a backup copy of the game disc for the OLDER original xbox games? I don't condone piracy, but these OEM xbox titles are essentially abandonware now.

    I've loaded them into my computer but all it sees in the intro MOVIE in DVD video format, it can't see the actual files and such...a different file format structure I'm sure. I've done a search on the NET, found several that were in a TopTen review, but was hoping for someone with 1st hand experience or knowledge on this. I'm not looking or wanting to MOD my 360 machine at all, so just want a program that can make an exact copy of the disc/file structure!
    T. C. Gresham
    81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
    79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
    History shows again and again,
    How nature points out the folly of men!

  • #2
    Me and my buddy fix the red rings on xbox 360 and also flash them. Really im the investor and he fixes them. The flashed xbox cant get on xbox live but you can get a bunch of games from xbox and playstation and bunch of other stuff. Ill ask him more about it and tell you later.

    I acctually am playing Modern Warfare 2 with my xbox apart right now since i just fixed it. We are also going to change the fans so they BLOW over the heat syncs and not suck the air off them.
    Austin Ingalls

    1979 XS1100 Special [Full Restore Project]
    XJ maxim rear air shocks
    KERKER 4-into-1 exhaust
    Pod Filters

    Money pit.......


    • #3
      Cant be done.

      This cant be done without "modding" one of the xboxes ,360 or normal. Xbox disks are read from the outside in rather than the normal inside to outside. And all disk have a signature that is broke when you copy them.
      check out for more detail.
      I just googled what you where trying to do and found out this much!!
      very interesting


      • #4
        yeah what he said
        Austin Ingalls

        1979 XS1100 Special [Full Restore Project]
        XJ maxim rear air shocks
        KERKER 4-into-1 exhaust
        Pod Filters

        Money pit.......


        • #5
          Back in the Day, a buddy of mine gave me his broken xbox. I fixed it and put a mod chip in. Then I subsequently installed mod chips in a number of xbox's for a small contribution from my friends. You are going to need to mod your box or download the game online. There are plenty of p2p download resources that can get you the game but they aren't exactly legal. The only way to do it somewhat legally is to mod your box. Then you need to install a program like dvd2xbox on your xbox and then FTP the game from your box to your computer using something like FlashFXP. I would give you my old gear but the drive is busted. The greatest thing about the original xbox is that it actually is just a computer
          United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
          If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
          "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
          "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
          Acta Non Verba


          • #6
            well im a PC gamer and tried to play 360. so i bought a elite system, had it modded and have like 9 games, wireless controler... and its collecting dust. so its up for grabs $200
            What you need to do is be thankful for the life you got. Stop looking at what you dont have and start being thankful for what you do have.

            82 XJ 1100


            • #7
              I was thinking that older games go pretty cheap on eBay and Craigs list. Might try and buy extra copies instead of going through the whole raindance of trying to mod the box and rip copies.

              Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.


              • #8
                Originally posted by tbcfreerider View Post
                well im a PC gamer and tried to play 360. so i bought a elite system, had it modded and have like 9 games, wireless controler... and its collecting dust. so its up for grabs $200

                ill give you 150??
                kinda broke
                Austin Ingalls

                MIDNIGHT FURY
                1979 XS1100 Special [Full Restore Project]
                XJ maxim rear air shocks
                KERKER 4-into-1 exhaust
                Pod Filters

                Money pit.......
                BLACKED OUT

