My wife is an attourney and has been looking for a new position for about a year. Nothing has turned up so she is looking into hanging her shingle out and flying solo.
Part of the process she is looking into is creating her own webpage. Neither of us know a thing about it, so we are looking for all the help we can get as to what software to use to create a web page, where to find a source to host it, etc.... etc.... etc...
Any info or resources to read up on would be appreciated, like how to make a webpage for dummies!!
Part of the process she is looking into is creating her own webpage. Neither of us know a thing about it, so we are looking for all the help we can get as to what software to use to create a web page, where to find a source to host it, etc.... etc.... etc...
Any info or resources to read up on would be appreciated, like how to make a webpage for dummies!!
