I've been riding to work on a daily basis, and as a result have become aware of other riders. A guy that works near my site rides a big dresser Harley and we got to talking about riding, mostly about the same-old, same-old. he said he started riding daily when gas went to 4 bucks because his HD gets over 50mpg.
At best, I get a little over 30mpg. How can the ancient technology of HD get that good of mileage? The power differential doesn't seem all of that significant. Another guy has a new 250 Ninja and gets around 70mpg, and has pretty good pick-up as well. What gives?
At best, I get a little over 30mpg. How can the ancient technology of HD get that good of mileage? The power differential doesn't seem all of that significant. Another guy has a new 250 Ninja and gets around 70mpg, and has pretty good pick-up as well. What gives?