Well, yesterday it happened again. Some jackass on the cell phone doing 25 in a 55, I pass, they speed up. When I slowed for the turn she wasn't paying attention, and ended up driving in the ditch, honking at me and causing a scene. I am such an @sshat for interupting her phone call, I guess. Where have I seen this situation before? 
KS plate BCD 501, anyone know how to find the owner?
Anyhoot, this got me thinking. How hard would it be to set up a website where motorcyclists could post the plagte number and a small summary of what happened, so when some jack ass does hurt someone, they could look up the website, search for that plate number and tell the judge, "Look, this guy has jacked with people on scoots 67 other times, and that is just the ones that were reported. Maybe a ticket for following to close is underkill." If nothing else, it would give guys a place to vent a bit.
Good or bad idea?

KS plate BCD 501, anyone know how to find the owner?
Anyhoot, this got me thinking. How hard would it be to set up a website where motorcyclists could post the plagte number and a small summary of what happened, so when some jack ass does hurt someone, they could look up the website, search for that plate number and tell the judge, "Look, this guy has jacked with people on scoots 67 other times, and that is just the ones that were reported. Maybe a ticket for following to close is underkill." If nothing else, it would give guys a place to vent a bit.
Good or bad idea?