hey gang (and i use that term in honor and recpect...lol) to all the old farts,hey i'm still alive (thank god). to all the new faces hey welcome aboard.Been without preserverance WAY to long.I think it was ken talbot that named my bike. sorry if i got the namr wrong. but u know who u r.Any way,still without bike and have a new home. Florida. so my delema is looking for an xj. have a grand to spend (a hair more for a real good deal) can ya all help a brother out? i really don't want the other bike,am stuck on my xj's. But my knees in the breeze is the altimate goal.so anyhoo,if anyone has info i would really appreciate a heads up. And once again hello newbies and I"M BACK! to the oldbies.
No announcement yet.
old amd new
Hey Chevy,
I think this one might have your name on it. You can paint it orange later.
http://jacksonville.craigslist.org/mcy/1360387958.htmlXJ1100 Ruby Red
XS1100LH "Midnight"
1972 MGB Roadster "sold"
Ask and ye shall receive! Now THAT is service!Let us know how it goes. Not a bad deal for a running bike!
1980 XS850SG - Sold
1981 XS1100LH Midnight Special (Sold) - purchased 9/29/08
Fully Vetterized and Dynojet Kit added, Heated Grips, Truck-Lite LED headlight, Accel Coils, Irridium plugs, TKAT Fork Brace, XS850LH Final Drive & Black SS Brake lines from Chacal.
Here's my web page devoted to my bike! XS/XJ User's Manuals there, and the XJ1100 Service Manual and both XS1100 Service manuals (free download!).
Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot - You're right.
-H. Ford
feels like the first time
man i feel like a kid awaiting the opening of gifts at xmas.i really wanted to call dude last night .but was like 12 midnite when i got the post.can u say sweating bullits? chomping at the bit...praying hard and heavy all night long....whew
1982 XJ 1100
going strong after 60,000 miles
The new and not yet improved TRIXY
now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles
bent shift fork
never been so happy to hear about a trans problem before. Dude still has bike and looks very good i will own it friday!!!!!!!I am BACK can't wait to git with ya'll southern boys for some good ole american long range tours of infinity and beyond.( wow i did get a puppy for xmas....lol)thanx again crusier!1982 XJ 1100
going strong after 60,000 miles
The new and not yet improved TRIXY
now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles
Welcome home1980 special (Phyllis)
1196 10.5 to 1 kit,megacycle cams,shaved head,dynojet carb kit,ported intake and exhaust,mac 4 into 1 exhaust,drilled rotors,ss brake lines,pods,mikes xs green coils,iridium plugs,led lights,throttle lock,progressive shocks,oil cooler,ajustable cam gears,HD valve springs,Vmax tensioner mod
Glad to help out. I figured I owed you one.
Back in 04??? your rally was the first I had attended.
It was my introduction to this awesome group of XS and XJ fanatics and I'm proud to be a part of it all.
Don't limit yourself to the southern boys, would love to have ya"ll head back north to the next "Lost in Illinois" series and hook up with some of us oldies still hangin around.XJ1100 Ruby Red
XS1100LH "Midnight"
1972 MGB Roadster "sold"
u got it
abs sole utly, if it runs like my old scoot i'll be all over this country.Not married any more so miles i will travel...did talk to him we are on for saturday...jonesing out of my everlovin mind i am...lol1982 XJ 1100
going strong after 60,000 miles
The new and not yet improved TRIXY
now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles
Good for you!! I can truly understand the excitement! The next 4 days are going to take FOREVER!I can't stand waiting for stuff like that...
1980 XS850SG - Sold
1981 XS1100LH Midnight Special (Sold) - purchased 9/29/08
Fully Vetterized and Dynojet Kit added, Heated Grips, Truck-Lite LED headlight, Accel Coils, Irridium plugs, TKAT Fork Brace, XS850LH Final Drive & Black SS Brake lines from Chacal.
Here's my web page devoted to my bike! XS/XJ User's Manuals there, and the XJ1100 Service Manual and both XS1100 Service manuals (free download!).
Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot - You're right.
-H. Ford
Welcome back, brother Chevy! I have read a few of your "older" posts along the way... so I recognize the name...
Glad to hear you scored another XJ! Internet's a great thing, huh???
Us XJ guys gotta stick together...
Always good to see another one's saved from the salvage...
Hopefully, you'll get her running great, and maybe we'll see you here in the middle of the country sometime soon?
Good Luck,
Bob'82 XJ1100J Maxim (has been sold.)
'79 F "Time Machine"... oh yeah, Baby....(Sold back to Maximan)
2011 Kaw Concours 14 ABS
In the warden's words from Cool Hand Luke;
"What we have here is a failure to communicate."
thanx ,and all this is why we r who we r. this site and us people truly rock. got mad plans already...road trip might be my new handle.been out of the saddle far to long.i know i got mad skills to get the scoot going ,and i KNOW i got the desire to hook with the otherXS-XJ fanatics roaming around this awsome country we stay in. Make it happin capt. thats what i say ,failure is NOT an option....stay tuned for the countinueing saga of as the XJ turns...lol be good ya'll and stay tuned,it's gonna be a wild ride we won't soon forget.1982 XJ 1100
going strong after 60,000 miles
The new and not yet improved TRIXY
now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles
got her
finnaly picked up the new girl. shes been riden hard n put away wet but we all got skills to bring her back to the once had glory!!!!!!got the carbs off as i speak,one left to clean (well at least for the first of three teardowns ....lol)pics to follow i hope been awhile since i put up pics.Be good ya'll.
1982 XJ 1100
going strong after 60,000 miles
The new and not yet improved TRIXY
now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles
pics maybe
Last edited by chevy45412001; 09-16-2009, 02:51 PM.1982 XJ 1100
going strong after 60,000 miles
The new and not yet improved TRIXY
now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles
Pivotal Point...
Bike looks good. Just may have been lacking TLC from the PO. I'm always relieved when a bike in this condition finds its way to someone who will do what's needed to put it back on the road in full function.
Enjoy the process and the final result!