Good tidings to all you bad boyz on these XSsesive11's. I bought this little lady 09-29-09. But you lift up her skirt and you can see that she's been rode harder than Cher....anyway, she is now all stripped down in the garage while I try to fix a multitude of problems. Thanks to all that were involved in the posts. Alot of good information. Fix the headlight problem, got rid of the safety feature,HA!! But now need to know how to fix the high beam indicator staying on even on dim?? Was testing some stuff yesterday and she did the Johnny Storm thing(FLAME ON!!). The auxillary power lead behind the headlight got down between the turn stops and grounded, now fixed. Opened the right side cover and then the fuse box, and found no fuses, amazing!! All,supposedly inline fuses shoved behind the fuse block. Opened the largest gauge in-line(main power) and found no fuse, wires were just twisted together. The same applied to all the other in-lines, usind what I had on hand, it now has in-line, but with the proper amp blade type fuses. Still have a blinker problem but will look more into it when I can start it again, tanks off right now, think it may be a low voltage thing with the flasher unit. I'm interest in seeing some pictures of some cafe conversions. Looking at putting an Emgo cafe fairing on it, and need suggestions or ideas for the rear. Kind of want to cross it up between cafe, bobber, and or street fight. Mainly just something different!! My wife won't ever get on, so I can pretty much go which ever way I decide. OK, so here is how she set when I got her home, seriously needs a little body work to the tank and custom paint, but looks good from a distance!!

And now naked in the garage, notice the fender is bobbed approximately 6inches.
Thanks guys and/orladies if your out there, looking forward to hearing from you.............
And now naked in the garage, notice the fender is bobbed approximately 6inches.
