Damn!! I'm sorry to hear about your rock-n-roll experience, but glad your alive and not too damaged
I have been wondering how you and Kurt have been doing as I haven't been around much myself lately.
I saw an XS on CL a week ar two ago that I thought was yours and thought maybe you were getting out. Glad to hear I thought wrong. I was looking forward to another rally at your place. I enjoyed the one in 08 and was looking forward to being able to do it again.
I hope you heal quick and have no lasting pains. Enjoy the meds if you can

I saw an XS on CL a week ar two ago that I thought was yours and thought maybe you were getting out. Glad to hear I thought wrong. I was looking forward to another rally at your place. I enjoyed the one in 08 and was looking forward to being able to do it again.
I hope you heal quick and have no lasting pains. Enjoy the meds if you can
