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XSively Amusing...
XSively Amusing...
1985 Yamaha VMX12n "Max X" - Stock
1982 Honda XL500r "Big Red" - Stump Puller. Unknown mileage.
1974-78 Honda XL350 hybrid - The thumper that revs. Unknown miles.
1974 Suzuki TC/TS125 hybrid. Trials with trail gear. Invaluable. Unknown miles.
1971 Honda CL350. For Dad. Newtronic Electronic Ign. Reliable. Unknown miles.
1982 XS650
1980 XS1100g
1979 XS1100sf
1978 XS1100e donorTags: None
Gotta be a wind up, surely. Nobodys that effin dumb...are they?If its true then that dude must have been re-incarnated, cause nobody gets that stupid in one lifetime.
Last edited by b.walker5; 05-23-2009, 12:38 AM.1980 SG. (Sold - waiting on replacement)
2000 XJR1300. The Real modern XS11. Others are just pretenders.
Woman (well, my wife anyway) are always on Transmit and never Receive.
"A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be" Albert Einstien.
That thread got so much attentiom that they had to turn off their avatars and search function...86 pages and still going. Forums from all over the net checked in.
Either the guy really is that dumb, or he should get the Pulitzer or something.
If he's that smart he'll have to change his log-in name before the next prank.Guy
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur
or the harley dude that JBwelded his sump plug
to stop an oil leak.pete
new owner of
08 gen2 hayabusa
former owner
1981 xs1100 RH (aus) (5N5)
zrx carbs
18mm float height
145 main jets
38 pilots
slide needle shimmed .5mm washer
fitted with v/stax and uni pod filters