This past Saturday, I was invited to ride with a local chapter of a minor motorcycle club. I showed up at the appointed meeting place to a gathering of about 100 bikes...all Harleys. I rolled in, under everyone's watchful eye, and waited for the gilling to begin. But they were well mannered, and even got a few positive comments regarding the flashy paint on my SG. Then I had to make a phone call. When I finished my call, I found I was the only on left in the parking lot (not intentional...hmmm
) Well, I got on the interstate, and caught the group in about 5 minutes. I was only barely speeding, too, which is rare for me. I fell into line, and rode for about a mile in the convoy, until I got a headache from the constant rumble emitted by the Dyna ahead of me. So, the XS and I again left the group, and rolled on. A guy on a H. Softail tried to follow, but by this point I was fed up. I simply was unable to keep at the SG reined in to 70 MPH any longer. I guess bike clubs are not for me...
