for those of you that know me, you know i'm always just buying parts just cause it's a deal and i'll find something to make it fit later. Heres a 5 dollar ebay fender for a 2007 Vstar that just came in the mail today, thought i'd dry fit on the rat bob to see if I could make it work. I can, just got to make some minor knotches and bondo over the old holes and paint to match, but kinda 50/50 on weather it looks ok or not. Heres a pic of the before and after, the before is obviously the ducktail bobbed original fender. Plan was to go with a whitewall for that bobber look, but the new fender would cover most of that and definately change the style and taste.... how about you guys, like or dislike.
After: Dryfit
After: Dryfit