Just got my gaskets this morning and put the bike back together.I took the supertrapp 4 into 1 into work and shot blasted it and diped it in the metal finishing machine at work and put on a phosphate coating and a neptune primer dip then 2 coats of header paint then 3 cycles in the big ovens.(i work at a seal /rubber making plant as a millwrite weekends)wow it came out nice looks better than the hole bike.I changed the plugs and added the oils i drained to flip the bike and wile i had the plugs out i ran the starter to prime the oil pump.The only thing i broke flipping it was a plug and boot my falt this thing is heavy.She fired up and ran the balls,now if it would stop raining long enough to take it for a ride.The only thing left now is to clean the spodge holes in the masters (brake still sticking a bit)As i was changing the filter something didnt seem right but put it back together and did some research.Well thanks to this forum i found out i am missing the spring and washer for the filter,i could see the washer but not forgeting the spring.So off to the dealer tomarra to order a spring and washer (under $3 each still availible) thanks for all the info on this site its a lifesaver,cant wait to uncork this thing on a nice day to blow some cobb webs out of it,shes almost ready now i nead a name for her thank again for your help Brent
No announcement yet.
2nd gear fix done ready to ride if it stops raining
I was wondering how many xs/xj owners live in NH and do you meet up some place,i would love to take a ride soon when the weather gets better kind of a shake down cruse for the new/old bike.thanks Brent1883 xt250
2006 tw 200
1983 xj1100j
1982 xj750 chopped riggid project
had at one time xs 400,3 xs 650's,dt 100,175 yamaha dirtbike,xj550 seca,80 xj 650 maxim ,82 xj750 seca
Hey Brentemmoms,
Another thing to check besides the spooge hole is the caliper itself. Whiel you are waiting on parts would be a good idea to pop the calipers apart and clean them up if you have not. I would suspect that before the spooge hole. One way to check is loosen the banjo bolt and let the pressure out. If the wheel loosens up, probably spooge issue, if not, then caliper is most likely.Life is what happens while your planning everything else!
When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.
81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection
Previously owned
93 GSX600F
80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
81 XS1100 Special
81 CB750 C
80 CB750 C
78 XS750
Shame we don't live that close...(Tulsa to N.H.'s quite a ride.) I'd take you up on that... dying to get my XJ1100 out for her maiden voyage, too. Planning on going on the ride to Eureka Springs, Arkansas in May... (Bob Jones ride)
Glad to hear you got her going! Good job! Watch out for the "bike blind" and the "crazies" and ride safe! Hopefully see ya sometime down the road.
Bob'82 XJ1100J Maxim (has been sold.)
'79 F "Time Machine"... oh yeah, Baby....(Sold back to Maximan)
2011 Kaw Concours 14 ABS
In the warden's words from Cool Hand Luke;
"What we have here is a failure to communicate."
Here is a link to a ride up there over Memorial day..."If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut." - Albert Einstein
"Illegitimi non carborundum"-Joseph W. "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell
1980 LG
1981 LH
I have cleaned the calipers and also replaced the seals and cleaned the gunk out of the groves.Next i cleaned up the piston and bore,greased and put them back together and they moved freely.The guy i got it from said he messed with the rear ajustment so i am going to check that first.The reason i think its the holes is that the front brake also hangs up but just one side.(82 xj1100j 1 front and rear on the same foot pedal) This set up will take some getting used to i dont know if im going to like it or hate it.Is there a way to make both fronts work together and get rid of this set up or will this get me into trouble?anybody done this yet?1883 xt250
2006 tw 200
1983 xj1100j
1982 xj750 chopped riggid project
had at one time xs 400,3 xs 650's,dt 100,175 yamaha dirtbike,xj550 seca,80 xj 650 maxim ,82 xj750 seca
Is there a way to make both fronts work together and get rid of this set up or will this get me into trouble?anybody done this yet?
The easy way is block off the pipe that goes forward, and get a "double" banjo bolt to replace the one at the master, and put two S.S. lines from there to each caliper.
On the rear brake rod, DO MAKE SURE THERE IS FREE PLAY. One member tightened it up just a little, and it would NOT release all the way. That could be your problem. JATRay Matteis
XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!
Hi Brent
GaryF here in South Berwick Maine just over the line from Portsmouth
DJinNH and I are taking a little ride tomorrow at about noontime from Ports. to Salisbury Mass to grab a piece of pizza for lunch. Then I gotta fly home to meet the kids as they get off the bus
Love to have you join us but you probably have to work
Ill keep you in mind when we get a ride going maybe to Mt Washington later this year
Lets see some pictures of some of your handy workGary
1100SH The Chosen one
Honda XR650L The Muddy one
thanks for the invite
I have done the mount washington trip up to the top on bike week is that when you plan on doing that?I would love to go for a ride but i am going to ajust the rear brakes and put around here today to get the bugs out.It sounds like the free play in my rear brake lever is my problem.I have ben looking for a manual but nobobdy has one for a 82 xj1100j is the on for the xs1100 close enough to do most things ?The best day for me is mondays to go for a ride sundays after 10 pm also1883 xt250
2006 tw 200
1983 xj1100j
1982 xj750 chopped riggid project
had at one time xs 400,3 xs 650's,dt 100,175 yamaha dirtbike,xj550 seca,80 xj 650 maxim ,82 xj750 seca
found the problem
I loosend the hose to the rear caliper and there was pressure there,then the caliper released and the wheel moved free.Now i removed the master cylinder,here is what i found the horse shoe washer was bent up and holding the piston in about a 1/4 in so i bent it back into shape but figured i would check out the spooge hole inside .The diaphram inside was in bad shape and leaking fluid.So i headed to the yamaha dealer to see if the parts are still availible to rebuild it and also the sping and washer i nead for the oil filter.Looks like i will be down for one more week for parts but brakes and oil filters are very important in my book.Now i can work on my other project a 1983 280zx with t tops.My wife thinks im in my midlife but things in the 80's were cool and i always wanted a xj 1100 and a 280zx but back then i was 13 and couldnt aford them only dream about them now there cheap and fun projects to keep me out of trouble.Well off to spend some money to keep the economy going just doing my part.Brent1883 xt250
2006 tw 200
1983 xj1100j
1982 xj750 chopped riggid project
had at one time xs 400,3 xs 650's,dt 100,175 yamaha dirtbike,xj550 seca,80 xj 650 maxim ,82 xj750 seca
rear brake lever shaft
got back home from the shop and the sun was out and they talked a bout rain for the rest of the week,so i put her back together for a small put to try here out .Now when i blead the rear master i notice something that may have caused the horse shoe washer to get bent in the master ,there is no stop for the brake lever shaft and you can drive the master cylinder piston into the horse shoe washer and bend it up causeing the problem i had with the brakes not releaseing.Is this right or am i missing something?Anyway i put 30 miles on the bike and went home with a smile on my face.This things got some power and also rides nice to1883 xt250
2006 tw 200
1983 xj1100j
1982 xj750 chopped riggid project
had at one time xs 400,3 xs 650's,dt 100,175 yamaha dirtbike,xj550 seca,80 xj 650 maxim ,82 xj750 seca
Originally posted by brentemmons View PostI have done the mount washington trip up to the top on bike week is that when you plan on doing that?I would love to go for a ride but i am going to ajust the rear brakes and put around here today to get the bugs out.It sounds like the free play in my rear brake lever is my problem.I have ben looking for a manual but nobobdy has one for a 82 xj1100j is the on for the xs1100 close enough to do most things ?The best day for me is mondays to go for a ride sundays after 10 pm also. I did that with my Dodge Ram a few years ago. I'm not in any hurry to try it on my XS11, me being a wuss and all.
Yesterday was a nice ride to Portsmouth to meet Gary though it was a bit cool. Today...clouds are no big deal, just waiting for it to warm up some and I may get out for a short ride.
Raymond, NHcurrently own;
1980 Yamaha XS1100 SG
2009 Yamaha Star Raider
At the end of last year, my rear brake started sticking on me as well. Not when I rode but after it sat for a day or two. I'd go out and find the rear brake locked up. I would just bleed the line for a second and that worked for the rest of the day of riding.
I bought a Master Cylinder rebuild kit and just pulled my master cylinder off. I had the rebuild kit laying there and could not find one thing that matched what I had in my master cylinder.
While I was in there, I pulled every single thing apart, cleaned it and wire brushed anything that was rusty. Then I put WD40 on the rusted metal areas. That included the area with the rubber cap that the rod from your brake petal goes into....I pulled that all apart including the rusted metal ring and the horseshoe washer. Everything came out so I gave it all a good cleaning.
When I was done, I put it all back together and replaced the brake fluid, then bled the brake line. Now the brake works great, no sticking at all.
Doncurrently own;
1980 Yamaha XS1100 SG
2009 Yamaha Star Raider